FW: Gun Law Update

March 1st, 2012

FW: Gun Law Update
Date: Aug 18, 2006 12:43 AM
Hey gun owners,
If you think the Democrats have repented of wanting to grab yer
guns; check out this list of Demos who refuse to promise not to grab yer
guns during an “emergency.” Pancho V.

—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected]
[[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:34 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Gun Law Update


Permission to circulate granted

by Alan Korwin, Author
Gun Laws of America

August 17, 2006

Complete lists of changes for Texas and Arizona are now posted. Texas saw 83
changes since the last (fifth) edition of The Texas Gun Owner’s Guide — a
whopping 13% increase in the amount of gun law. Most of it is good news. The
BRAND NEW Sixth Edition has all the changes, is due out this week, and the
first people to order will receive autographed copies. See the changes here:
See the new edition: http://www.gunlaws.com/tgog.htm

Arizona saw changes to 17 key statutes, most of which were excellent. The
state now recognizes virtually all legally issued firearm permits, a strong
Castle Doctrine is in place, and more. Most intriguing new law — it’s now
illegal to interfere with a hunt by putting yourself in the line of fire.
See the changes here:
See the new edition: http://www.gunlaws.com/agog.htm

The Better-Late-Than-Never Dept.: In mid July, 16 U.S. Senators violated
their oath of office (“to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution”),
by voting to allow the government to confiscate your personal firearms
during an emergency. It’s a familiar list of suspects:

Akaka (D-HI)
Boxer (D-CA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dodd (D-CT)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Levin (D-MI)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Reed (D-RI)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)

With lawlessness run amok after the Katrina disaster, these officials’
response is to disarm the victims and leave them defenseless. Fortunately,
the “Vitter Amendment” passed in the Senate overwhelmingly, due to intense
anger over the illegal gun-confiscations, executed door-to-door against
innocent homeowners, by heavily armed government perpetrators, “acting on

The perps have not been arrested, though some of the guns they took by force
have been returned. This should never happen in a free country. The fact
that the perpetrators are known, yet still at large, is a national disgrace.

They’re Back: International Effort to Ban Your Guns Continues

Seven Nations Start New Push for UN Arms Trade Treaty

With Input From Reuters, Dateline–Geneva: Seven nations launched an effort
in July to start new negotiations on a United Nations treaty setting
international rules for the global trade in conventional weapons, almost
immediately after a similar effort in New York ended.

The seven perpetrators — Argentina, Australia, Britain, Costa Rica,
Finland, Japan and Kenya — made the move at the quietly staged Geneva
Conference on Disarmament, by circulating a proposal to raise the issue at
the United Nations in New York later this year.

An earlier effort in July to use the U.N. as part of a global gun-control
plan ended in disarray, without achieving any infringements. This was hailed
as a success by gun-rights activists and derided by Reuters and other “news”
media as a complete failure.

“We propose that the United Nations begin work on this important issue as
soon as possible by establishing a Group of Government Experts,” ambassadors
of the seven said in a letter to the conference. The idea that government,
the main perpetrator of genocide throughout history, could assemble experts
who could legitimately review the needs and gun-rights of the world’s
citizens was not called into question.

A British statement said the proposed pact would be “a legally binding
instrument establishing common international standards for the import,
export and transfer of conventional arms through an International Arms Trade
Treaty.” The effect of such a treaty on the Second Amendment right to keep
and bear arms was not addressed. This surprised no one, as the effort to gut
the traditional American right to arms was pushed ahead.

Arms import and export is already heavily regulated by national governments,
using a wide array of agencies and enforcement mechanisms. “Transfer,”
however, implies sales and possession by individuals, and may pose the
gravest threat to people’s rights by unelected international power brokers.

Britain’s former foreign secretary Jack Straw set out his ideas on such an
accord in March last year and British diplomats have been active in
promoting it. The British first tried to disarm Americans more than two
centuries ago, leading to the American Revolution and establishment of the
linchpin of personal freedom on the planet.

In the letter, the seven nations said that although there had been some
steps to deal with specific aspects of the trade in, and use of,
conventional weaponry in recent years, the treaty they sought would provide
“an agreed regulatory framework.” In other words, they would put someone
charge, with enforcement power. Whether this meant that the nations of Earth
would agree to be controlled by an international body when it came to their
own arms is considered doubtful. Exercise of dominion over their citizens
seemed much more likely, adding the force of international “authority”
their own.

The proposal, in the form of a draft resolution to set up the so-called
“expert” group, will be presented in October to the U.N.’s First Committee,
which deals with disarmament and international security. A copy of the draft
proposal and proposed “experts” was not immediately available. The U.N.
not subject to Freedom of Information laws.

The group, if established, will examine the feasibility of a treaty and
draft an outline text, diplomats said. According to the British statement,
the move reflected the commitment of the seven, “to reducing the
unrestrained spread of conventional weapons, which in turn fuel conflict and
hinder development across the globe.” The accuracy of that statement went


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Alan Korwin
Bloomfield Press
“We publish the gun laws.”
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