FW: Ladies trap shoting clinic 6 Aug

March 1st, 2012

—– Original Message —–
From: Mitch Vilos
To: Mitch Vilos
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 6:29 PM
Subject: FW: Ladies trap shoting clinic 6 Aug

Wow!!! What a SUCCESS!!!!!! This is REALLY the key. Once citizens FEEL THE POWER and understand they can control it for GOOD purposes, the DEBATE about gun control is OVER!!!!!! This is absolutely the key and those who are helping make it happen are doing as much or more to preserve liberty in the next generation than those of us who simply make the arguments. Now we just need a gazillion more judges who own firearms for self defense; they GET IT; the others DON’T. Pancho V.

From: John Spangler
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 4:17 PM
To: Wendy Mair
Subject: Ladies trap shoting clinic 6 Aug

Wendy- I saw the Provo Herald story

Sounds like it was a great success, with plenty of interesting people to chat with the media.
It is amazing what happens when people don’t worry about who gets credit for things, but I know you did a heck of a lot of work to make this happen, even if your name did not appear in the story.
John Spangler

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security!!!