FWD: Response from a DR Re: Doctors and Guns
I received this from Dr. Hayes, and have his permission to repost intact. Would there were more of him. His specialty is diagnostic radiology.
Joe Horn
—–Original Message—–
From: “Kirk A. Hayes” <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 12:31:57 -0600
To: [email protected]
Subject: physicians and guns
Dear Sir -
As a semi – retired physician, shooter and supporter of the Second
Amendment to the Constitution, I find it an abomination that some of my
peers are giving unwanted and unsolicited advice to their patients with
respect to firearms. It is an indication of how deep the rot in our
Republic goes when supposedly intelligent people step out of bounds with
respect to their duties and qualifications. As one views the TRUE stats
with respect to firearms, it is obvious that the lie has been repeated
so many times that the lie is now truth.
These physicians are guilty of misdeeds on several points:
1. by believing the padded statistics of the anti – gun crowd(really,
the anti – Second Amendment crowd, indicating “rights” to them means
something totally different than what it means to me), without checking
as to the veracity of such, they are guilty of disseminating falsehoods
to people who trust them;
2. the dissemination of falsehoods by those in a position of trust is
to mislead in a malicious manner, taking advantage of trust for
political gain. From this perspective, their “counseling” is steeped in
3. not telling their patients that there is a greater goal to the
“counseling”, ie, a political goal, renders the physicians involved in
this activity of the same nature as those members of “the most ethical
administration in the history of this nation”;
4. they are not qualified to tell their patients about safety, not
being trained in such, and, consequently, they are in the uncomfortable
position of “fooling some of the people some of the time”;
5. those on the bandwagon described, despite seeing, from the inside,
what the feds have done to the practice of medicine, renders these
individuals either zealots or stupid beyond comprehension when they
participate in anything “federal”.
I am sure these physicians believe they are contributing to the overall
good of society. I am equally sure their belief renders them stupid
beyond saving. Such is the state of affairs – even the supposedly
intelligent believe the statists and their fellow travellers without so
much as an attempt at verifying the veracity of the statists.
Believe me, one lawsuit on this basis will shut these well intended
buffoons up for good.
Kirk A. Hayes