[Fwd: Youths Get Hands-On Gun Rights Lesson]

March 1st, 2012

(News Forwarded by ‘Marienoelle’)

I thought you might like to hear about a gun lesson that 66 youth,
age 12-19, learned at Camp American last week. All 66 campers
were “issued” a small water gun for the purpose of playing some
competitive team games. For the final game in the series, each team
was told to keep their best 2 guns and turn the rest in. The sheep
were willingly lead to the slaughter in spite of the class on the
importance of gun ownership they had attended earlier in the day. As
each team completed the final round they were told to sit on the
basketball court. When the final team finished the competition, 5
staff members came rushing out of the woods, adorned in blue berets
and carrying huge water guns. Naturally, the 66 campers
were “slaughtered” by the 5 blue berets with the “assault weapons”.

The “wounded and dead” were once again gathered on the basketball
court to see if they could figure out what happened. They knew all
too well at this point that they never should have given up their
guns. They also figured out that even though 20 lucky campers still
possessed their “state issued” guns, the 5 big “assault weapons” were
no match for them. They learned the importance of the right to keep
and bear arms, and working to get the ban on “assault weapons”
lifted. This is a hands on lesson they will not soon forget.

If you would like to find out more about Camp American, go to

Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America will be teaching at the
North Carolina Camp American next month. Contact
[email protected] for details.

See the Contact Page for the Benefits of Becoming a Staff
Volunteer! http://www.CampAmerica.org/contact.htm