Gang Busters

March 1st, 2012

I still laugh every time I think of this, even though its been years…

Back when I was a gung-ho rook, I used to spend my nights off downtown. I’d usually hang out at the 7/11 and drink free coffee, flirt with the U-Tote-Em Queen, and BS with the guys on shift. It never occured to me then that none of the veterans showed up there on THEIR nights off!

I was hanging out one night when a buddy of mine came to get a cup. Mike was about as gung-ho as me and shared my interest in the .45 auto. His was a Smith & Wesson if I recall.

As we talked a call came out for a burglary alarm at a local game-room. We heard the call over Mikes belt-radio, and as the game room was only a couple of blocks, we both hopped into his car and hauled it.

When we arrived Mike dropped me at the back door and went to the front. I drew down and (oops!) noticed that the back door had been jimmied! This wasn’t good news at all. I hollered to Mike and, as another unit arrived, he came to the back to back me up.

To make a long story short, everyone was excited. We get a lot of calls but they’re usually false…this appeared to be the real deal and we had maybe 6 units there…including the Sergeant and the Puppy-cop. (K-9 Officer)

The dog was going crazy but we never could locate anyone and, after 30 minutes, we reluctantly agreed that we must have scared the would-be burglars away as we rolled up. Everyone except Mike and me left. Now my coffee was cold and I was ready to get back to 7/11 but we had to let the manager reset the burglar alarm first. When he got there he had to turn on an electrical breaker that controlled some lights so he could see the alarm panel. When the lights came on so did a row of game machines…Suddenly a voice behind Mike and me said “You’ll never take me alive, coppers!”

Now, if you’ve never seen two rookie cops, scared out of their wits and drawing their guns then you’re missing quite a sight. We did manage to control ourselves to the point where we didn’t actually fire any rounds, although we both “cleared leather” and pointed weapons…I can’t imagine explaining gunshots to the Sheriff….We didn’t fire because before we did a machine labeled “GANG-BUSTERS” in the center of the row of games that came on with the lights said (in a pretty fair Jimmy Cagney imitation)…”Top of the world, Ma!”