Gee, take away the guns and look they use assault knives….

March 1st, 2012

Proves my point, it aint the tool , it’s the individual, STUPID!….. Punish the INDIVIDUAL

Student stabs five at Canadian high school

Gonna hafta have some knife control up North, of course.
No more scissors, pencils, or razors available to the
population. Baseball is going to have to stop, as well,
because of the potential damage a good homerun swing at
someone’s head could do.

KABA stands in support of the many tens of thousands of
Canadian Gun Owners refusing to submit to the government’s
registration laws. In fact, we encourage refusal to register
across the board everywhere, always. Every registration in
history WITHOUT EXCEPTION has led to confiscation, and that
just doesn’t mix well with Freedom. Never has.