Gender Apartheid In Afghanistan

March 1st, 2012

Here is another example of why we don’t need gun control. As all of you probably already know, the Taliban militia had a coup in Afghanistan a few years ago and they inflicted gender apartheid on the women and girls. The first thing that the Taliban did to women was to make them wear that stupid Burqa and this isn’t a veil. It is a walking prison because it is very hot and it is very diffiult for the women and girls to see and breath when they are wearing it. Secondly, the women were fired from their jobs en masse. This is unfair because many of these women are widows and they have children to suport. Many women are now begging people to give them food so that they can support their children. Women and girls aren’t allowed to go to schools or universities. It is also illegal to home school the girls and women. Women and girls aren’t allowed to leave their homes without a close male relative (father, brother, husband, or son) even when these male relatives aren’t alive or don’t live with the women and girls. The houses with adult women in them are required to have the windows painted opaque to make sure that people who are near the houses cannot see the women. The same thing has been done to the windows of gender segregated buses. Women aren’t allowed to drive cars, get medical care, vote, hold public office, own property, own guns, etc. If women and girls violate any of these stupid laws, then they are shot at, beaten, raped, flogged, or stoned to death. For more information about how you can help stop these horrible human rights abuses in Afghanistan, please visit the website of the Feminist Majority Foundation and click on the words take action. Their website’s URL is Please sign the pre-written letters and send them to American and British politicians, U.S. Department of State officials and United Nations officials. There are also letters that you can send that protest against the way that the fashion industry has mocked this horible tragedy.