March 1st, 2012

By: Geoff Metcalf

Published in the November 25, 2002 issue of Ether Zone.

The best way I know to win an argument is to start by being in the right.
– Lord Hailshan

We are at war and every one of us has a responsibility and a right to
defend each other and ourselves. This is not hyperbole. It is not fear
mongering. It is FACT. Item #1 in a list of ORules for a gunfight? is,
“Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your
friends who have guns.”

About three years ago a friend told me a story about a colleague of his,
Jerry Molen, who was one of the executive producers of “Schindler’s List”.
In the wake of the film?s critical acclaim, Molen was speaking to some
group. He noticed in the audience an old man who was staring intently at him
during his speech. He said he felt odd by the intensity of the glare.

After the speech he was basking in the glow of audience approval when the
old man walked up to him. The old man pointed a craggy finger at Molen and
with a voice filled with intensity and seriousness, he said “Don’t you EVER
let them take YOUR guns.” Molen noticed that the right forearm of the old
man had a series of faded blue numbers tattooed on his flesh.

In the 90s there was a media/federal jihad against militias. In the New
Millennium militias may again save the republic. Notwithstanding the
marginalized stereotype of militias as being gap toothed, camouflaged,
knuckle dragging wannabe RambosSmilitias have been, are, and will/should be
an integral part of protecting the country. It was President John F. Kennedy
who said, “Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only
prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom
as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously
work and sacrifice for that freedom.”

Once upon a time (1676) long ago and far away my ancestor, Michael Metcalf
returned to his home in Dedham Massachusetts to discover it burned by Native
Americans. He joined a militia and with other militias fought in OThe King
Philips War?. Today?s modern militias remain an eclectic collection of
constitutionally conservative folks from all walks of life. Sure, some of
them are extremists, racists, and criminalsSbut the same can be said for
Democrats, Republicans, Christians, Jews and Muslims. To damn any group for
the sins of the few is beyond myopic and disingenuous.

Since 9/11 and the inevitability of planned organized terrorist attacks, the
militia concept should be embraced and not vilified. And it IS! The Arizona
Daily Star wrote, “Cochise County’s Oofficial newspaper? has issued a call
to arms and is spearheading the formation of a local militia to combat
illegal immigration.” And the liberals went NUTS! Sheriff Larry Dever said
frustrations with the federal government?s inability to stem the flow of
illegal immigration have attracted the attention of a number of groups on
all sides of the issue. Hey, how about the federal government?s inability to
post a platoon of combat troops in every neighborhood?

Militias SHOULD be local people. Militias should be neighborhood watch
programs with guns as well as telephones. Your right to own a gun is
inalienable. You have a God-given right to protect and defend yourself, your
family and your property. Any and all other legislative masturbation to the
contrary, designed to erode, undermine or attrite that right is invalid,
immoral and an invitation to massive non-compliance.

The Second Amendment was not intended to guarantee my bird hunting, or for
states to maintain militias. It was, and is, as even Harvard Law Professor
Laurnce Tribe (liberal icon) acknowledges, an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT. After the
alleged end of the Cold War, several CIA types were informally meeting with
a group of their KGB counterparts. Eventually, after a few vodkas, the
question was asked, “So Ivan, did you guys actually have plans for invading
CONUS (Continental United States)?” Reportedly the KGB officer laughed,
“Hell no!” “Why not?” asked a CIA suit. “Your people have too many guns.”

Those “Minutemen” Kennedy longed for, and that the Russians recognize are
the bone and sinew of a country’s strength and Clintonite liberals would
abolish, do exist. Despite unbridled persistent efforts of Clintons, Gore,
Janet Reno, Sarah Brady, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, et al, at least so
far, there remain tens of millions of Americans who would rather die on
their feet than live on their knees (or wait bleeding for 911 to send help).

I suggest, it will not be the camo-clad weekend paintballers and wannabe
stereotyped militia Rambos who will refuse to comply with confiscation.
Resistance will come from the remaining former military that still believe
in the sacred oath of their youth. It will be the blue-hair grandmothers who
protect their family and their heritage that would rather die martyrs than
live as slaves. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they
should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty.>