GOA alert for ILL: Cook County Planning aMassive New Gun Control Scheme

March 1st, 2012

Cook County (Illinois) Planning a Massive New Gun Control Scheme

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408


October 07, 1999

Dear Illinois gun rights supporter:

I’ve got bad news if you live in Cook County.

Your right to keep and bear arms is about to be severely restricted

Anti-gun politicians are going after firearm dealers in the hopes of
disarming more law-abiding citizens. They believe if they make it
more difficult, if not impossible, to sell guns to honest citizens,
then honest citizens will end up disarmed as the supply of firearms
is choked off.

To buy a gun:

you’ll pay a new $50 per gun tax
you’ll fill out new and redundant paperwork
you’ll be fingerprinted
you’ll have to turn over your medical records and surrender your
you’ll have to pay for a dangerous gun-locking device

(As many already know, criminals want your safety locked up so that
when they break in to your home you won’t have a firearm available
to defend yourself or your family.)

Cook County also wants to limit and ration your gun rights to “one
gun a month” as they tax you $50 for the privilege of enduring their
intrusive government investigation of your private medical history
and personal life. This limit applies to any type of firearm, not
just handguns.

The Finance Committee and the Law Enforcement Committee of the Cook
County Board of Commissioners have scheduled joint hearings to
discuss “Communications Numbers 229244 and 229245.” These measures
are amendments to the so-called “The Cook County Firearms Dealer’s
License and Assault Weapons Ban Ordinance.” You can review the
specifics of these new anti-gun proposals at
http://www.co.cook.il.us on the Cook County website.

This alert lists the Commissioners with their contact information.
Also included is a list of Public Hearing Dates.

Please contact your Commissioners to oppose this anti-gun scheme.
Call to get a place to speak at one of the two remaining hearings.
Better yet, get your family and friends to write, call and fax their
opposition to more pro-criminal/anti-gun legislation.

– MORE –

The Cook County Board of Commissioners:
County Building
118 North Clark Street, 5th Floor, Room 567
Chicago, IL 60602-1304
General Information: 312-603-6398
General Fax: 312-603-4678

Name Dis. Phone Numbers
Earlean Collins 01 312-603-4566 / 773-626-2184
Jerry Butler 03 312-603-6391
Allan C. Carr 16 312-603-6384 / 708-447-9655
John P. Daley 11 312-603-4400
William Moran 06 312-603-4216 / 708-206-1386
Carl R. Hansen 15 312-603-6388 / 847-818-1515
Ted Lechowicz 12 312-603-6380 / 773-637-8700
R. Maldonado 08 312-603-6386 / 773-395-0143
Joseph Moreno 07 312-603-5443 / 773-927-7154
Mike Quigley 10 312-603-4209 / 773-935-1010
Herb Schumann, Jr. 17 312-603-4215 / 847-298-7780
Gregg Goslin 14 312-603-4932 / 847-729-9300
Peter N. Silvestri 09 312-603-4393 / 773-774-8554
Deborah Sims 05 312-603-6381
Bobbie L. Steele 02 312-603-3019 / 773-722-0140
John H. Stroger, Jr. 04 312-603-6400 / 773-224-1705
Calvin R. Sutker 13 312-603-6383 / 847-673-1219

The next scheduled hearings are listed below:

Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 6:30 p.m.
Fourth District Courthouse
1500 South Maybrook Drive, Room 106
Maywood, Illinois

Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 10:00 a.m.
Cook County Building
118 N. Clark Street, Board Room, Room 569
Chicago, Illinois

The local Cook County Grassroots Chairman for the Illinois State
Rifle Association is Mike Domrzalski. If you need help on how to
testify, try calling him at 847-827-0361.

Any ?s Call GOA
Guns Save Lives