Good Job VT Gun Rights Folks!
Good Job VT Gun Rights Folks!
Last night, January 13th, several gun rights people testified before a public
hearing on Vermont Police Services at the Vermont State House and other gun
rights folks provided their support. These gun rights people spoke in favor
of the Vermont State Police, but opposed the continued use of Vermont
taxpayer dollars to pay for the VSP to have a contract with the Sheriff of
Chittenden County to perform Brady checks that the FBI would perform at no
charge to Vermont taxpayers.
After hearing several gun rights folks speak on this matter, Rep. Cola
Hudson, Cola (R) Lyndonville stated his concerns with this allocation of the
money, which could be used for Vermont State Police services, and asked
Government Operations Chairman Jerry Kreitzer (D) Rutland to schedule
hearings on this matter and Rep. Kreitzer agreed to such hearings.
It would be a good idea for the folks on the Gun Rights E-mail List to call
the Sgt-at-Arms and leave a message thanking these gentlemen for responding
to the statements of concern of the gun rights community. The Sgt-at-Arms
can be contacted at 1(800) 322-5616. You can try E-mailing the two
representatives at the E-mail address I have guessed would work, for the
legislative website has not posted E-mails addresses for this year. Good
work on a cold night to come out! THANKS
[email protected] and
[email protected]