Grass Roots South Carolina Action Alert!

March 1st, 2012

Grass Roots South Carolina ACTION ALERT!


Your IMMEDIATE help in getting CWP reforms passed is needed! You must ACT NOW,
or CWP reform may not get introduced this year!

Rep. Jakie Knotts wants to introduce our proposed CWP reform legislation.
Jakie supports CWP – he regularly teaches CWP classes for free in Lexington
County. But, Jakie is hesitating. He’s afraid YOU – the GRSC members – are
not dedicated enough to work and push your legislators to get these reforms
passed. He’s afraid the anti gunners are more dedicated than you are and will
tack on more restrictive amendments. He’s afraid we could wind up with CWP
laws worse than what we have now because YOU won’t work to support CWP
reforms. He’s afraid of failure.

In 1995 when the CWP legislation originally passed, the anti gunners proposed
all sorts of restrictive amendments. The anti gunners told of how the streets
were going to run red with the blood of innocent people shot by CWP holders.
Fear, not hard facts, ruled the day. Amendments passed that would never have
passed if the truth had been known. The real problem in 1995 was there was no
reliable research on what happens when ordinary citizens carry concealed
weapons. Now there is.

John Lott’s book, More Guns, Less Crime, proves CWP is good public policy.
There are fewer murders, fewer rapes, and fewer people brutalized in states
with CWP than in states without CWP. Hindsight proves the streets are not red
with the blood of innocent people due to a CWP holders. But, blood has been
spilled because of PREVENTABLE murders, rapes, and brutal beatings of people
which would not have happened had the CWP laws been less restrictive. The only
blood spilled is on the hands of the anti gunners because they are responsible
for the restrictions in our CWP law.

In 1995, GRSC did not exist. The power of grass roots people was not effective
because it was not organized. But, now we are organized! With strong ACTIVE
grass roots support we can shout down ANY bad amendments the anti gunners try
to tack onto our bill. And most importantly, we can get a BETTER CWP law that
will save people’s lives.

We must convince Jakie and the other legislators YOU ARE DEDICATED to passing
CWP reform. We must convince them we have MORE grass roots support than we did
in 1995 when CWP first passed.


1) CALL, WRITE and FAX Rep. Jakie Knotts at both his home and his office
(Jakie doesn’t use e-mail). Tell Jakie you’re a CWP holder and you want the
proposed GRSC reforms passed. Tell Jakie you appreciate his support for
CWP. Tell Jakie you’re behind CWP reform and will help however you can.
Tell Jakie it’s URGENT that he act on this because “More Guns,” mean “Less

Rep. Jakie Knotts, House District 88

500 West Dunbar Road
W. Columbia, SC 29169

323D Blatt Bldg
Columbia, SC 29211
803-734-2925 fax

2)Call and write your own legislators in the House and Senate and give them the
same message. Tell them to contact Rep. Jakie Knotts and support CWP reform.

If you don’t know your House and Senate legislative districts, call the Voter
Registration office of your COUNTY (Blue pages in phone book) and give them
your street address. They’ll tell you who your Representative and Senator are.
Online you can find out who your SC legislator is at:

3) Choose some friends and neighbors that believe as you do. Have them call
and write their legislators and give them the same message. Follow up with
your friends and make sure they do this.

4) Do the above things NOW and EVERY MONDAY! Starting NOW! Start the
legislators’ week with the message, “More Guns, Less Crime!”. Do this until we
get CWP reform passed!


CWP reform is in your hands! You MUST call! You MUST write! Often! GRSC
lobbyists can’t help YOU unless your legislators hear from YOU – the voter!
Together we CAN make a difference. NOW, JUST DO IT!

Ed Kelleher, President
[email protected]