GREAT ARTICLE: Mothers who care should pack heat!

March 1st, 2012


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Any dude that says guns, gun rights and the ability to carry concealed weapons is strictly a man’s business has never met the Second Amendment Sisters but should; they’d make you proud.
For one thing, they aren’t your average “soccer mom” crowd. Yes, some members may have kids who play soccer, but this group has no time for, nor love of, the liberal anti-gun hysteria usually promoted by the typical soccer-mom mentality.

For another thing, these gals — who believe that women especially are vulnerable to violent (usually male) criminal attacks — are tired of their liberal sisters (and brothers) making them easy prey. No more, they say; enough already with the stupid gun control laws. They — like millions of other Americans — are tired of just scratching their heads, wondering why so many of them get raped, beaten, robbed or attacked violently every year.

They know the answer; for the most part, it’s because they cannot — by law — defend themselves adequately. And adequately means with a firearm. Most big cities, where most of the violent crime in this country occurs, do not allow free moms and other citizens to pack heat. They pass laws preventing reasonable means of armed self-defense so these moms — and thousands of others — can be more easily attacked, killed, mutilated and sexually abused.

These moms are wondering: “How is this helping create a safer society?” It’s not, they are discovering. They’re not alone in asking such a painfully obvious question, but as a group, mothers in America have only just begun to wonder if liberal gun control isn’t actually getting more of them killed every year than laws forbidding them from being armed.

The solution, mothers are discovering once they examine the alternatives, is firearms. Only a firearm in the hands of a smaller, more frail and susceptible female can “equalize” a confrontation with a 250-pound gorilla in search of his next victim — or his next victim’s children.

But it’s more than just that. These gals want people to know they are moms too — and while they value the lives of their children every bit as much as soccer moms, Second Amendment Sisters and Armed Informed Mothers realize well-protected liberal lawmakers passing ill-conceived gun control laws don’t equal protection for women, mothers, and children. They just don’t.

These mommas want to be able to protect their kids from violence instead of letting them become statistics. And the best way — not the only way, just the best way — for mothers to achieve this goal, they believe, is by becoming armed.

Their conclusion shines with truth. Numerous studies by Yale legal professor John R. Lott, who has conducted the most extensive studies of guns and gun laws over the past several years, say that more guns in more hands of law abiding persons equals less crime. FBI statistics, which demonstrate a huge reduction of crime in the past decade, seldom mention this phenomenon. But these mothers, and millions of gun owners, know that the resultant fall in violent crime coupled with an increase in concealed carry laws and an increase in firearms sales equals less violent crime. The dots are easy to connect if you just keep an open mind.

So these mothers are finally beginning to publicly ask the all-important questions of other mothers (and fathers) who are equally concerned about their safety and the safety of their kids:

With so many gun laws already on the books, how come “gun crimes” still exist?

If guns are effective enough to be a criminal’s preferred tool, why are they not good enough to use for protection?

How is it that lawmakers insist their bodyguards be armed but not you and I?

If you and your children were face to face with a male attacker twice your size, what would you do — if you weren’t armed?

If guns are “too dangerous” to be in our society, how come our leaders want to be the only ones who have them? Do you trust our leaders implicitly to protect you — at all times?

Which is better — more gun control and the eventual banning of all guns in our society, or sitting by helplessly watching as some intruder repeatedly rapes your 13-year-old daughter? If we ever completely ban guns, do you think there will be no more armed criminals in America?

So important are the answers to these questions that the Sisters are planning a march of their own in Washington, DC, to counter a similar “Million Mom March” filled with soccer moms who want more gun control.
And what better time to march than on Mother’s Day? Exactly.

Being a parent today is difficult; no one denies that. Mothers (and fathers) of all political stripes seek to protect their children from the worst elements of our society. Most of us support our local police and appreciate legislative efforts to keep criminals off our streets, out of our homes and away from our children. But none of these efforts is 100 percent effective.

Neither will a mother packing heat always successfully defend herself and her children from an attacker. But the cold, hard and crucial fact of the matter is, mothers who are armed stand a helluva lot better chance of saving themselves and their children — probably without ever having to fire a shot — if they have an “equalizer” in their handbag.

If you can, support this march, either with your donations or by joining these mothers in May in the nation’s capitol.


Jon E. Dougherty is a staff writer for WorldNetDaily.