GRNC Update 12-01-05: Concealed Carry – Celebrating 10 Years of a Safer NC

March 1st, 2012

GRNC Update 12-01-05: Concealed Carry – Celebrating 10 Years of a Safer NC
Date: Nov 30, 2005 10:21 PM
Grass Roots North Carolina, P.O. Box 10684, Raleigh, NC 27605
919-664-8565,, GRNC Alert Hotline: (919) 562-4137

GRNC Update 12-01-05:
Concealed Carry – Celebrating 10 Years of a Safer NC

Please join us in celebrating ten years of a safer North Carolina. Yes, ten years
ago today the Concealed Carry victory engineered by GRNC became law. Despite this
being a great victory, GRNC knew that much could be done to improve this law. During
this past decade GRNC has toiled to further enhance your concealed carry rights.
This work has paid off in recent years.

Thanks to Reciprocity, your NC CCW is good in many other states with more being
added from time to time, thanks to GRNC and your efforts. Another recent victory
is the ability to use your CCW permit in lieu of the redundant NICS check or special
pistol purchase permits. One of the most recent victories was marked with the passage
of a bold new approach to combating domestic violence. HB 1311, the Domestic Violence
Victim Empowerment Act, passed into law weakened from the original vision of GRNC,
but it still marks a significant shift in the education of victims of domestic violence
about what options are available to protect life and limb from deadly attacks.

Paul Valone Radio Interview with John Locke Foundation

This Saturday, Dec. 3, GRNC President Paul Valone will go face to face with Lisa
Price of North Carolinians Against (so-called) Gun Violence (NCGV). This will take
place on stations across the state during the Carolina Journal radio hour presented
by the John Locke Foundation. Go to:
for stations and show times. One station that has online streaming is WZNN in Asheville,, click on the “Listen Live” link. The show
is aired from 7:00 am to 8:00 on that station.

The John Locke Foundation is an organization dedicated to freedom and the rights
of a free people. It is a true honor to have Mr. Valone interviewed on their fine
show. Please visit their web site and check them out:

Other Media Exposure

Paul Valone will be going one on one with Lisa Price Thursday, Dec. 1 on WUNC radio
in Chapel Hill. He will be on at 12:00 noon on the “State of Things”
show. Tune to 91.5 FM in Chapel Hill, 88.9 FM in Manteo or 90.9 FM in Rocky Mount.
WUNC is also streamed for those in other areas. Go to: and
click on your preferred media player at the top of the page.

Paul Valone will also appear on television Sunday morning at 11:00 AM. He will
be a guest on NBC 17 News and Issues with Monty Knight in Raleigh.


For all our progress, we still face an uphill fight. Battles have been won, but
the war goes on. The Democrat leadership in the NC General Assembly became creative
in finding new tricks to run roughshod on your rights this past session and it would
be na?ve to believe that that is going to stop. In the face of this, GRNC will
continue to work for further enhancements to the CCW law.

Through the outstanding conduct of the past decade you have proved yourselves worthy
of greater freedom in exercising this right and GRNC will be your advocate in Raleigh.
In order to accomplish this, we need your help. You must continue to respond to
our calls and hammer at your representatives. New volunteers are always needed
for Legislative Action work ([email protected]) and gun shows. And yes,
we need your monetary support.

Please support GRNC by renewing or extending your membership or making a donation:

Or print and complete the following form and mail to:

Grass Roots North Carolina
P.O. Box 10684
Raleigh, NC 27604

Or Fax to: 919-562-4137

___ 1 Year Membership $25

___ 3 Year Membership $55

___ 5 Year Membership $90

___ Lifetime Membership $245

___ Benefactor: $500

___ Bill my credit card for 5-year, Life or Benefactor Membership in four equal
monthly payments.

___ Already a member? Additional donation.




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