GRSC Update Feb 2000

March 1st, 2012

—–Original Message—–
From: JLC <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 3:17 PM
Subject: GRSC Update February 2000

Hello and Welcome to another GRSC Update for February 2000
brought to you by Grass Roots South Carolina, Inc.
Online at:
First of all a “congratulations is in order to all of you who participated in
our GRSC legislative alerts this past month!


With your help we’ve convinced Jakie Knotts to go forward with GRSC CWP reform
this legislative session.

But the battle’s not over yet – far from it! The next step is detailed in the
Winter Newsletter on its way to you now! We’ll need the support of every GRSC
member’s legislator if Jakie is going to get CWP reforms through in a one year
session. That means that your legislator needs to tell Jakie now that they’ll
be there as a co-sponsor and supporter when the time comes. All of this is
detailed in your Winter Newsletter! The bottom line is for each GRSC member to
contact their legislator and tell them that you belong to GRSC, you want CWP
reform, and to support Jakie as he sponsors reform this year.
Speaking of the Winter Newsletter…
Can’t wait until you get your hardcopy? Well, get it now in .pdf format at our
Our Fall membership drive has been a huge success! We mailed fliers to all
South Carolina CWP holders and received many, many letters of support and new
members. Introduce Grass Roots South Carolina to someone you know. Grass Roots
is “grass roots.” Representative Jakie Knotts has told us that membership
numbers speak loudly. So if you want CWP reform, help yourself by getting your
membership numbers up!
Saturday February 12, 2000 9AM – 3PM
Almost a year ago GRSC canvassed its members for those interested in being
community volunteers. We had over 70 people come forward to say they wanted to
spearhead change within their communities. We will have a meeting of those
community volunteers on February 12th to begin the process of detailing what
GRSC can do to assist volunteers throughout South Carolina and what we hope to
accomplish. If you are interested in attending please contact Ed Kelleher at:
[email protected] for more information. Here’s some of what we hope to
accomplish in this meeting:

1) Get to know each other. All the GRSC board members and officers will be
in attendance. We’ll introduce them all and tell you a little of their
backgrounds and GRSC history. You’ll get to know us and we’ll get to know
you. This will help us all work more closely together. It’s also
encouraging to know you’re not alone – that there are other people who want
what you want and are willing to work for it.

2) Explain our legislative program, “More Guns, Less Crime”. We’re working
now to get CWP reform legislation introduced. To get it PASSED we’ll need
people from all over the state working steadily and continuously. That’s
what you volunteers are needed for – to help organize the work in your
respective communities. We’ll discuss the items of reform (listed in the
Fall 1999 newsletter). We’ll discuss our long-term goals: 1, 3, and 7 years

3) We’ll talk about how to setup tables at GUN SHOWS to spread the word about
GRSC and CWP reform and to recruit new members. We’ll actually setup a table
and have some mock sessions. We’ll give you material to use and suggestions
on what to do.

4) We’ll explain the MERCHANT CONTACT program. This is the program we have
that works with merchants to get them to take their signs down or to post a
GRSC alternative sign. We’ll explain approaches that work, and those that
don’t. We’ll tell you what information we MUST get from people so GRSC can
work further with merchants. Again, the idea will be to get across to
attendee’s how to work with merchants so they’ll be able to do that and also
get the idea across to other workers in their community. We’ll tell of our
plans to have demonstration at a large shopping mall in Columbia.

5) Learn from each other. If we’re smart we’ll learn from each other’s
experience. The purpose of this meeting is to show you what we’ve been doing
so far to further the goals of GRSC. Hopefully, this will be useful to you
in continuing that work in your community. We don’t have all the answers
and we want to hear what you all have to say and see if what we’re doing can
be improved.

All attendees will receive a complete information package including:
1) GRSC Alternative signs for merchants.
2) CDROM with all GRSC newsletters and documents
3) Floppy disk with sample documents
4) Merchant contact cards and post cards
5) Paper copies of sample documents
ANNOUNCEMENT : The SC Sporting Protection League
The SC Sporting Protection League was recently formed to protect the rights of
hunters. While initially focused on hunters (just as GRSC is focused on CWP)
by extension they also support our gun rights. They are very interested
in helping us with Shooting Range Protection.

Thursday, February 3, 2000 they are sponsoring the 2nd Annual Youth & The
Future of Hunting Symposium. Registration is 8AM at the Moore Bldg at the SC
State Fairgrounds. They have variety of speakers including the head of SC DNR,
Virginia and Georgia game departments, and Kim Rhode, Olympic Gold Medal
shooting winner.

That evening they have a banquet including Cale Yarborough (drives cars) and
Gerald Williams (played football).
Cost is $20 for the conference and $20 for the Banquet. The legislators will be
watching this event to see who shows up. It would be good to show some grass
roots support.
ANNOUNCMENT! – Your Invitation to the Mid Carolina Rifle Club Picnic Coming
inApril ! Please spread the word far and wide! Many of you GRSC members
remember lastyear’s picnic and this one is looking even better! Last year’s
event was a mini-gun BLAST!

The Mid Carolina Rifle Club, near South Congaree, South Carolina will be
hosting it’s 2nd Annual Open House Saturday April 22, 2000 from 8AM to 5PM.

Col. Jeff Cooper will be our guest of honor.

If you are a fan of Jeff Cooper THIS IS THE EVENT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!
Col. Jeff Cooper (USMC retired) is a noted gunwriter, thinker and philosopher.
He’s the “father” of modern action pistol shooting and the founder and first
president of IPSC pistol shooting. Col. Cooper, his wife Janelle and their
youngest daughter Lindy Wisdom (author of the biography “Jeff Cooper,
The Soul and the Spirit”) will be arriving in Columbia, Tuesday, April 18,

To help us raise funds to cover the expense of bringing Col. Cooper here to
South Carolina we have several events planned.

Wednesday, 4/19/2000 we’ll be going to Estill, SC (near Savannah) and the
Bostick Plantation to spend the night and get ready for a pig hunt the next
day. Wednesday evening we’ll have a BBQ and social time together. Thursday AM
we’ll have the actual hunt. The people at Bostick are really enthused and
PROMISED! that no matter what, Jeff and Lindy WILL see some game. We have room
for 24 people on this excursion. Bidding for places on this hunt starts at $500

per person.

Friday night we’ll be having a dinner get together for maybe 100 people, again
as a fund raiser to cover our expenses of bringing them here. Jeff and Janelle
will both turn 80 in May, so we’ll have a little pre-birthday surprise for them

as well. Tickets will be $35 per plate.

Any funds we raise in excess of our expenses for the Cooper’s visit will be
donated to the Jeff and Janelle Cooper Rifle Walk at the NRA Whittington
Center in New Mexico. Though we offered, Jeff and Janelle didn’t want
anything for themselves. Expenses include their air fare to Columbia
and then to Atlanta, lodging, transportation and food.

When we greet Jeff at the airport, we’ll be there with a wheelchair (he’s
almost 80 and broke his back a few years ago. He can walk, but it’s painful),
a bottle of Jack Daniel’s and a 1911 .45ACP for him to carry while he’s here.
The 1911 will be engraved, “DVC Jeff Cooper, Mid Carolina Rifle Club Open
House, April 22, 2000″. Jeff has agreed to let us raffle the piece off at the
conclusion of the Open House. Again, as a fund raiser. How many chances
would you like at $1 for a 1911 worn and shot by Jeff Cooper?

Saturday is the open house at Mid Carolina Rifle Club from 8AM to 5PM.

Admission and Parking are FREE.

We’ll have demonstrations of all the different types of rifle and pistol
shooting we do at the club. We’ll have high school drill teams and awards,
the USMC, politicians and rousing patriotic speeches and music. HooRah!

We’ll have a shooting gallery setup for kids to shoot .22 rifles.

We’ll have a range setup for people to try GLOCK and other handguns.

We’ll have tents and tables setup in an exhibit area for different groups to
promote their causes. Tables are FREE to groups who are interested in

Last year we served up over 100,000 rounds of ammo, piping hot! It was
delicious! Some folks brought in a minigun most excellently dressed in a proper

Gatling Gun mount and carriage. Very impressive. Last year we also renamed our
rifle range in memory of Carlos Hathcock (with Mrs. Hathcock’s permission).
This year we’ll be naming our West End pistol bays the “Jeff Cooper Pistol
Bays” in his honor.

Sunday, the Cooper’s fly to Atlanta and then on to Zurich to rest before
finishing their journey to South Africa for their big Birthday Bash in the

It should be a fun, old fashioned American event – very uplifting.

DIRECTIONS: The Mid Carolina Rifle club is located at 3433 Fish Hatchery Road.
This is about 5 miles down from where Fish Hatchery road originates at the
intersection of I-26 (exit 115) and I-77 (exit 1) near Columbia.
Ed Kelleher, President, Mid Carolina Rifle Club
[email protected]
Check our website for info:
Suggestions as to other activities at our Open House are welcome.
One more thing before I close for this month. For those of you new to GRSC and
who wish to have more than once a month information delivery and discussion, I
would like to invite you to join our e-mail discussion group. You can sign up
by visiting:

Options are available for “digest format” where you get one e-mail message a
day so as to not clutter up your e-mail box if that is a concern. Try it out!
In closing, once again let me thank all of you who are making the voice of
South Carolina CWP holders and gun owners heard. We are a powerful force and
together we can make a difference.

P.O. Box 1181
Sumter, SC 29151
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