Gun Buy-Back Backfires When Officers Cash In
Gun Buy-Back Backfires When Officers Cash In
Daily News Staff Writer
A gun buy-back program to get illegal weapons off the streets had to be
altered yesterday after a stampede of court officers tried to cash in.
Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes ordered changes in the initiative
when he found out that court officers ? some of them in uniform ? were
handing in their old .38-caliber service revolvers.
Because the program had pulled in only about 200 guns since the one-month
window began July 1, Hynes upped the reward on Monday from $100 to $250 per
“We had a surge last night of about 100 guns and they all seem to be .38
service revolvers,” said a source in the prosecutor’s office.
One court officer collected $1,500 by turning in six guns.