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By Mike Dorning
Washington Bureau
June 9, 2000
WASHINGTON — Piles of weapons handed over to the police for a few dollars
make compelling photographs, but repeated studies of politically popular gun
buyback programs across the country have found no detectable effect on
violent crime or on firearms deaths.

What’s more, the guns and the owners that turn up for buybacks represent
neither the kinds of weapons nor the types of people generally involved in
gun crimes, said several researchers who have studied the programs. And some
of those who participate in the buybacks are cashing in on spare weapons but
keeping at least one at home–or they plan to use the proceeds to purchase
another gun.

Gun buyback programs, in which local governments encourage residents to turn
in firearms using modest cash payments or gift certificates as incentives,
have become a recurring and highly visible feature of the American dialogue
on violence.

Just this April, when President Clinton announced a federal grant to assist
the gun buyback program in Washington, he surrounded himself with a phalanx
of police recruits and invoked the bloody chaos of a shooting three days
earlier at the National Zoo.

Referring to the city’s mayor and congressional delegate, Clinton declared,
“When I called them, after that terrible tragedy at the zoo, and asked them
what I could do to help, they said, `Well, why don’t you help our gun
buyback program?’”

The buyback programs have a potent political appeal at a time when gun
violence is at the forefront of public concerns. On the one hand, they
address gun-control advocates’ desire to take weapons out of circulation. On
the other, they generate minimal opposition from gun-rights defenders
because nobody is forced to give up a weapon he wants to keep.

Among the largest buyback programs to date was one supervised last September
by the Cook County Sheriff’s Department, which collected 5,347 guns in three
weekends. The Chicago Housing Authority plans another gun buyback this

Still, independent follow-up studies of gun buybacks in Seattle, Sacramento,
St. Louis and Boston found no evidence that the programs reduced gun crime.
In Seattle, researchers also checked coroner’s records and hospital
admissions data for the six months following a buyback in 1992. They found
no evidence of an effect on firearms-related deaths or injuries.

“The continuation of buyback programs is a triumph of wishful thinking over
all the available evidence,” said Garen Wintemute, director of the Violence
Prevention Research Program at the University of California at Davis.

The benefits may be too subtle to detect, said Clinton administration
officials, who this year plan to devote $15 million to assist local gun
buyback programs. While they concede the programs do not often directly
disarm criminals or recover the types of guns preferred by criminals, they
nonetheless contend that eliminating any gun ultimately reduces the risk of
death or injury.

“The first purpose of this is not trying to stop bad guys from robbing banks
or bad guys from shooting each other. The first purpose is to get guns out
of homes,” said Lee Jones, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development, which funds gun buybacks using money from an
anti-drug program the department manages.

“We do think this can have a positive influence for reducing gun accidents
and gun violence in the home. Or, for that matter, it prevents [the guns]
from being stolen and used in crimes,” Jones continued.

But academic researchers–often divided by passionate differences over gun
control–are in rare agreement in their conclusions.

At a U.S. National Institute of Justice lecture delivered just weeks before
Clinton’s grant announcement, University of Pennsylvania professor Lawrence
Sherman, who headed a wide-ranging assessment of crime prevention programs,
called gun buybacks “the program that is best-known to be ineffective” in
reducing firearms violence.

The numbers of weapons collected–typically no more than a few thousand
guns, even in the most successful buyback–represent a tiny fraction of the
nation’s arsenal, with an estimated 220 million guns now in civilian hands
and another 4.5 million newly manufactured guns added each year.

“At most, they take 1 [percent] to 2 percent of guns out of a [local]
community, and the guns collected are among the least likely to be used for
violence,” Wintemute said.

Guns used in crimes most often are modern, up-to-date, semi-automatic
pistols, one weapon of choice being the 9 mm pistol used in the National Zoo
shootings. The weapons turned in during buybacks overwhelmingly are older
guns, such as revolvers, which in some cases don’t even work. A Harvard
University study of buyback programs in Boston in 1993 and 1994 found that
nearly three-quarters of the guns recovered were made before 1968. In
Seattle, one-quarter of the guns collected were inoperable.

Also, the gun owners who turn in their weapons tend to be middle-age or
elderly. Street criminals tend to be adolescents and young adults.

In any case, surveys of the people who turn in their weapons frequently find
they have additional guns at home they intend to keep: in Sacramento, 59
percent of participants said they did so, as did 62 percent of participants
in St. Louis and 66 percent in Seattle.

Sometimes, people also use the money they receive from turning in an old
gun–one that would command a low price on resale–to help pay for a
higher-quality weapon. In St. Louis, 14 percent of buyback participants said
they planned to purchase a new gun within the next year. Another 13 percent
said they might.

Said Richard Rosenfeld, a criminology professor at the University of
Missouri-St. Louis who conducted the study: “We found that the people most
likely to be planning to buy another gun are the respondents at highest risk
for gun violence. They tended to be the younger respondents, they tended to
be the respondents more likely to have arrest records.”

HUD officials point to signs of success following one project in Pittsburgh,
an annual gun buyback campaign that began in December 1994. That program
also includes a firearms safety education project and free distribution of
child trigger locks to gun owners who would rather not give up their

There has been no formal evaluation of the project. But Dr. Matthew
Masiello, a pediatrician who helped organize the Pittsburgh program,
collected statistics showing a dramatic drop in the area’s firearms deaths,
which declined 39 percent from 1993 through 1996.The drop is much greater
than the 16 percent decline in gun deaths nationally during the time period.

But even Masiello attributes the apparent success to the fact that the
Pittsburgh program was “much more extensive” than simple gun buybacks. He
cites as other important factors the trigger-lock distribution, firearms
safety education, and a campaign to mobilize church groups and other
community organizations to reduce gun violence.

Other researchers are skeptical of any correlation with the buybacks at all.

Jacqueline Cohen, a criminologist at Carnegie Mellon University in
Pittsburgh, said a surge in gang violence in 1993 nearly doubled gun
homicides from the previous year and “on any basis, you would expect this
unusual peak to be followed by a decline.”

Cohen cited other factors as probably more important in the decline in
Pittsburgh’s firearms deaths. Among them were an aggressive police campaign
to combat gun crimes during that time period and a major federal prosecution
that “basically decimated” Pittsburgh’s LAW youth gang, which was heavily
involved in gun violence. Also, large Northern urban centers similar to
Pittsburgh generally experienced especially steep drops in gun crime from
1993 through 1996.

She said Pittsburgh is considering a program that would offer financial
rewards for anyone who turned in another person for illegally carrying a gun
in a public place. Such a program may be a more effective use of money than
a buyback because “it’s targeting the guns that are the cause of the
problem,” she said.

Rosenfeld, who has been hired as a consultant to evaluate the ongoing
HUD-funded buybacks, said the concept of buying back guns may yet be proven
an effective tool in reducing violence. “There is no evidence that they
directly reduce gun violence in the form of gun assaults or gun homicides,”
he said.

But he theorized that programs more narrowly focused on public housing
projects could potentially have a bigger impact, because they might lead to
a bigger drop in the local gun supply.

Also, he said, the buyback programs may be used as a vehicle to foster
closer long-term relationships between local police and residents to reduce
crime, an effect that is difficult to measure but one that Rosenfeld
believes has long-term benefits in controlling crime.

But, countered Gary Kleck, a criminology professor at Florida State
University, “It’s not like we have infinite resources and can spend them on
anything. We should focus on something that has some measurable effect.”

Kleck argues that free distribution of trigger locks would be a much more
cost-effective way of reducing accidental shootings.

In contrast to the typical $50 that buyback programs pay for a gun, he said,
“A trigger lock will cost you $10 per gun. Not everyone will use them, but
if you think about the type of people who participate in gun buyback
programs, they’re voluntary participants too.”