Gun Control is Dangerous!
Where would this woman be had her husband’s self defense weapon had locks on it….
—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 4:18 PM
Subject: FYI–why gun locks, “safe” storage, and “smart” guns are a bad idea
My friends, I want to tell you a true story, and I give you leave to copy
it, disseminate it, share it. If you wish to confirm its truth, I will
give you my name & address– I ask you not to disseminate this, but I am:
(Snail mail address, etc snipped)
e-mail [email protected]
In the early 1980′s, before I met the woman who is my current wife, I had
a lover who had been raped and almost murdered about 6 years before. I held
her when she woke up screaming from the nightmares of her ordeal, I
talked her thru the waking times when she zoned out into stark, staring
terror at no particular thing; in short, I knew about as well as any man
can something of what she had ( barely ) lived thru.
She had been asleep on the sofa of her Boca Raton home ( her husband of
this time was asleep in the bedroom upstairs ) when she awoke to find a
very large young man raping her. She fought, he had no trouble subduing
her, and when he’d finished raping her he decided to strangle her. At
this time her husband awoke, thought “something isn’t right,” grabbed his
old hog gun– a KAR 98 Mauser rifle– and bolted downstairs. He shot
this fine piece of human garbage thru the left lung, and despite this, he
ran 103 yards before collapsing.
May I be so rude as to point out that if the husband had had to fumble
with a locked– or locked up– weapon, she’d be dead…
She recovered– as well as anyone does, but she is not the same woman,
never will be. The rapist went to trial ( the police suspected him in
30-100 [!!!] rapes in the area, but were content to prosecute him on this
one case ), was convicted, and became free as a bird in about 5 years.
Oh, he did lose a lung, so maybe he’s less dangerous, but who knows for
Think about this the next time some weaseling politician tells you ” we
gotta DO SOMETHING about the GUNS for our CHILDREN’S SAKE…”