CORAD on Gun Control
The history of gun control in America has targeted at blacks and other
minorities. 13 In fact, the first gun control law in America was legislated
in 1792 to disarm black slaves. The law served one purpose, to deny blacks
their right to exercise their Second Amendment to keep and bear arms. This
was an insult to the very black people who had just fought the oppressive
British to free this nation from a tyrannical government. It is ironic that
the British tried to enslave the colonists by attempting to disarm them as
well. It is well known that the consequences for England?s transgression of
the colonists, was retribution by brave revolutionaries. Ironically, by
denying blacks the essential right of the freedom to bear arms, gun control
laws were legislated that allowed slave owners to retain blacks as slaves
with impunity. Slave owners knew that like the British, if blacks could arm
themselves, they would face an uprising from slaves, which would have in
essence ended slavery in a heartbeat.
In fact, look at the major attempts of valiant yet unsuccessful slavery
revolt over a 200 year history:
Major revolts and escapes
1663 First serious slave conspiracy in Colonial America, Sept. 13. Servant
betrayed plot of White servants and Negro slaves in Gloucester County, Va.
1712 Slave revolt, New York, April 7. Nine Whites killed. Twenty-one slaves
1730 Slave conspiracy discovered in Norfolk and Princess Anne counties, Va.
1739 Slave revolt, Stono, S.C., Sept 9. Twenty-five Whites killed before
insurrection was put down.
1741 Series of suspicious fires and reports of slave conspiracy led to
general hysteria in New York City, March and April. Thirty-one slaves, five
Whites executed.
1773 Massachusetts slaves petitioned legislature for freedom, Jan. 6. There
is a record of 8 petitions during Revolutionary War period.
1791 Haitian Revolution began with revolt of slaves in northern province,
Aug 22.
1800 Gabriel Prosser plotted and was betrayed. Storm forced suspension of
attack on Richmond, Va., by Prosser and some 1,000 slaves, Aug. 30.
Conspiracy was betrayed by two slaves. Prosser and fifteen of his followers
were hanged on Oct 7.
1811 Louisiana slaves revolted in two parishes about 35 miles from New
Orleans, Jan. 8-10. Revolt suppressed by U.S. troops. The largest slave
revolt in the United States.
1816 Three hundred fugitive slaves and about 20 Indian allies held Fort
Blount on Apalachicola Bay, Fla., for several days before it was attacked by
U.S. Troops.
1822 Denmark Vesey plotted and was betrayed. ‘House slave’ betrayed Denmark
Vesey conspiracy, May 30. Vesey conspiracy, one of the most elaborate slave
plots on record, involved thousands of Negroes in Charleston, S.C., and
vicinity. Authorities arrested 131 Negroes and four whites. Thirty-seven
were hanged. Vesey and five of his aides hanged at Blake’s Landing,
Charleston, S.C., July 2.
1829 Race riot, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 10. More than 1,000 Negroes left
the city for Canada.
1831 Nat Turner revolt, Southampton County, Va., August 21-22. Some 60
Whites were killed. Nat Turner was not captured until October 30. Nat Turner
was hanged, Jerusalem, Va., Nov. 11.
1838 Frederick Douglass escaped from slavery in Baltimore, Sept. 3.
1839 Amistad mutiny led by Joseph Cinquez, captured. After trial in Conn.,
returned to Africa.
1841 Slave revolt on slave trader ‘Creole’ which was en route from Hampton,
Va., to New Orleans, La., Nov 7. Slaves overpowered crew and sailed vessel
to Bahamas where they were granted asylum and freedom.
1848 Ellen Craft impersonated a slave holder, William Craft acted as her
servant in one of the most dramatic slave escapes–this one from slavery in
Georgia, Dec 26.
1849 Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery in Maryland, summer. She returned
to South 19 times and brought out more than 300 slaves.
1851 Negro abolitionist crashed into courtroom in Boston and rescued a
fugitive slave, Feb 15. Negroes dispersed group of slave catchers Sept 11 in
Christiana, Pa., conflict. One White man was killed, another wounded. Negro
and White abolitionists smashed into courtroom in Syracuse, N.Y., and
rescued a fugitive slave Oct 1.
1859 Five Negroes with 13 Whites with John Brown attacked Harpers Ferry,
Va., Oct 16-17. Two Negroes killed, 2 captured, one escaped. John Copeland
and Shields Green hanged at Charlestown, Va., Dec 16.
From Before the Mayflower, by Lerone Bennett 14
Imagine if these brave revolutionary slaves would have been armed!
Throughout the 1800?s, many laws restricted blacks from owning firearms.
Racist government laws were even passed that allowed the Ku Klux Klan the
right to terrorize innocent black neighborhoods by invading their homes to
search for firearms. From 1860-1890, racist Government officials denied
Native Americans the right to bear arms and were able to slaughter thousands
of Indians in order to seize property. 15
Other government dictatorships used gun control to control and genocide
citizens as well. From 1915-1917, the Turks disarmed the Armenians in an
attempt to genocide nearly 1.5 million Christian Armenians.16 Armenians were
brutalized; homes were searched at random by thug Turks. The Armenians had
no human rights; they were slaves. In the 1920?s through the 1940?s, U.V.
Lenin and Joseph Stalin, two of the most brutal Communist dictators ever,
disarmed the citizens of the Soviet Union and murdered 20 million of their
own people. In the mid-1970?s, Pol Pot, Cambodia?s Communist dictator,
genocided one million Cambodian adults in an effort to cleanse opposing
thoughts. The movie “The Killing Fields” won accolades for the depiction of
this ignominious event. Saddam Hussein disarmed the Kurds and slaughtered
thousands throughout the 1990?s. The Communist Rwandan Government genocided
500,000 people of the Tutsi tribe under gun control laws in the 1990?s as
well.17 The most notarized and quite possibly most emulated of all
subjective thinkers that used gun control to enslave and genocide people was
Adolph Hitler. The Nazi Weapons Law of March 18, 1938, prohibited people of
the Jewish religious faith from owning firearms. This was the gateway to the
genocide of 6 million Jews. Among disarming Jews, Hitler?s weapons act
imposed sweeping gun control legislation on all German citizens. The law
also allowed the Nazi?s to have cart blanche as to the weapons they could
A frightening fact about recent American “gun control” laws is that they
have roots in Nazism and racism because due to their very subjective nature.
A little known fact is that in 1968, the sponsor of the United States Gun
Control Act (USCGA) of 1968, Democratic Senator Thomas Dodd, had in his
possession, a German copy of the Nazi Weapons Law. Dodd requested that the
National Library of Congress translate the German Version into English. Four
months after he received the translation, the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968
was signed into law. Take a look at the Nazi Weapons Act of 1938 and a brief
comparison between the USGCA of 1968:
Nazi Weapons Act of 1938 (Translated to English)
Classified guns for “sporting purposes”.
All citizens who wished to purchase firearms had to register with the Nazi
officials and have a background check.
Presumed German citizens were hostile and thereby exempted Nazi?s from the
gun control law.
Gave Nazi?s unrestricted power to decide what kinds of firearms could, or
could not be owned by private persons.
The types of ammunition that were legal were subject to control by
Juveniles under 18 years could not buy firearms and ammunition.18
United States Gun Control Act of 1968
Introduced term “sporting purpose”
Exempted government entities from the controls, which applied to law-abiding
Age restrictions of 18 years and 21 years were applied to anyone who wished
to purchase firearms and ammunition.
Authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to decide what firearms could or
could not be owned by private persons.
The types of ammunition that were legal were subject to control by
Age restriction of 18 years and 21 years were applied to anyone who wished
to purchase firearms and ammunition. (The above comparative information was
provided to us by the Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. It
can be read in Gun Control, Gateway to Tyranny by Aaron Zelman).19
Unfortunately, this list goes on and includes literally hundreds of
restrictions that were undoubtedly taken directly from Hitler?s Weapons Law.
One merely has to read the line by line comparison of the USGCA of 1968 and
the Nazi Weapons Law of March 18, 1938. The actions of Democrat Senator
Thomas Dodd and those who support his law must raise serious questions from
all survivors of the Holocaust. (To see the exact line by line comparison of
the Nazi Weapons Act of March 18, 1938, purchase “Gun Control, Gateway to
Tyranny” in our Book Section of our Catalogue).20
Other local gun control laws are racist because they use the same
subjectivity that Hitler used in legislating gun control laws. This
subjectivity in the United States Gun Control Laws literally makes the
second amendment a privilege and not a right. The Ku Klux Klan supported the
USGCA of 1968. They believed they could use it to target blacks because
local government officials could use racism for denying a permit to carry a
concealed firearm. This would allow the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize blacks
with impunity. In some states, gun control laws require those who wish to
carry a concealed handgun register with the local Sheriff and be interviewed
by the police. Those who are deemed “trustworthy” are issued a permit to
carry. (Does this sound familiar?) Every day, racist government officials
deny law abiding blacks the right to carry concealed weapons for protection.
Many law abiding poor are also discriminated against because all too often,
they can?t offer a “justifiable need” to the police to exercise their Second
Amendment right because permits to carry are often issued only to those who
are carrying large amounts of cash. How many poor people do you know, have
the privilege of carrying large sums of money?
An important fact to know is that in 1982, the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of
Appeals ruled it unconstitutional for the police to protect citizens against
murder by “criminals and madmen” (686F.2d 616). To provide equal protection
to all citizens would require an army of Sheriffs across the country. This
would be tantamount to a police state all to familiar to Germans in the 1930
?s. Therefore, it is imperative that citizens have the right to protect
themselves against criminals. The only means we have to protect ourselves is
the firearm. As George Washington (commanding general of the Continental
Army and Father of our Country) said, “the very atmosphere of firearms
everywhere, restrains evil interference” and that “they are the American
people?s liberty teeth and keystone under independence.”
Subjective thinking bureaucratic officials propose mounds of new gun control
legislation every year. The “waiting periods” imposed on law-abiding
citizens open the door to genocide on innocent blacks, women and the poor in
this country. It is a fact that the people most likely at risk for violent
crimes in America are blacks, women and the poor. To deny law abiding
blacks, women and poor the right to acquire a handgun for self defense for
any period of time while subjective and possibly racist bureaucrats perform
a “background check” unequivocally puts blacks, women and the poor at the
mercy at murderers, rapists, child molesters and wife/spouse beaters. This
is racism and discrimination.
What is concerning about the gun control laws that these bureaucrats
advocate is that they incorporate the same subjectivity that tyrannical
governments have used throughout history to control its citizens. Not only
do some of today?s bureaucrat officials advocate subjective gun control
ideology, they embrace it.
Groups like Handgun Control, Inc (HCI) is one of American?s largest gun
control advocacy groups. HCI poses a danger to society, in particular to
women. Handgun Control?s objectives are clear in their illogical desire to
impose sweeping handgun control laws on law-abiding citizens. However, their
defense for their subjective position is extremely hypocritical. One merely
has to read HCI?s header on their web pag that “the person most likely to
kill you has the key to your house” to deduce the illogic and foolishness of
their argument. HCI implies that violent men are the most ominous threat to
women. Yet at the same time, women are denied their right to acquire
handguns to protect themselves against a violent spouse or boyfriend by HCI?
s supported waiting period. This makes HCI culpable of not only being sexist
but quite possibly, active participants in the murdering and slaughtering of
helpless women. Rather than advocating criminal control, like most elitist
groups of power who embrace subjective thinking, HCI advocates law abiding
citizen control.
After understanding the history of past and present subjective governments
that use gun control to control its people, the actual purpose of the Second
Amendment is not hard to grasp. Unlike many people believe, the right to
bear arms is not for hunting purposes only. The framers of the Constitution
were students of history as well as human behavior. They understood the
subjective minds of the world’s prior rulers. They knew as well as we do,
human behavior has not changed for 2000 years. As a society, no matter how
educated or advanced we become, some of our fellow men will always have the
propensity to behave as barbarians. There always have been and always will
be corrupt leaders. History has shown that it has and will repeat itself
with governments using military under the command of corrupt leaders to
murder and genocide innocent citizens.
A most recent example of this extists today. Most notably, the massacre by
a racist eugenocide, Slabodon Milosevic. Milosevic is genociding ethnic
Albanians by the tens of thousands with impunity. Innocent women and
children are butchered one by one as armed barbaric Serbian thugs go door to
door and open fire upon an unarmed populace. These savages have also cut the
throats and shot their helpless victims in the back of their heads. Also,
men are hurderd by the train load into Serbain concentration camps. In
addition, Albanian property, birth and financial records are destroyed to
strip Albanians of their identities in a Hitleresque attempt to further
dehumanize the remaining Albanians. In total, Milosevic has genocided
hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings. One reason and one reason
only facilitates the ability of communist and socialist dictators like
Melosivic to wage genocide to this extent; gun control.
CORAD makes it clear that we have a great deal of respect for the United
States military and its role in our freedom. This role however is ugly to
some subjective thinkers. The military serves one and only one purpose, to
kill and destroy things in war. It is military doctrine to follow orders, no
matter what. Soldiers are taught not to question authority and may from time
to time fall under the leadership of corrupt individuals. These aspects of a
war machine were a great concern to the founding fathers. The founding
fathers were actually opposed to a professional army of trained killers for
3 reasons. The first was that they knew the consequences of creating any
government bureaucracy. A bureaucracy exists for one reason; to perpetuate
itself. In order to exist, a professional military would need to
substantiate and demonstrate its purpose. This purpose would be to create
wars and collect the subsequent tax funding required to fund the existence
of war. Secondly, the framers did not want to put the citizenry at risk to
an army of trained killers. Anyone familiar with Ruby Ridge Idaho and the
murdering of Randy Weaver’s harmless wife and 14 year old son by heavily
armed overzealous Federal Marshals that lost their heads, the Kent State
University or Waco massacre realizes the ominous threat of an army of
trained killers who from time to time, lose their cool when faced with
peaceful and unarmed citizens. Third was a moral issue to the framers. The
concern was that the citizens would come to rely on an army to defend
themselves for everything. These citizens would then take their liberties
for granted. Those who believe that “a well regulated militia” was to mean
the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, are sadly misguided. A well
regulated militia is a militia that is regulated by the citizens so that it
will not get out of control or become unwieldy and tyrannical. This is
precisely why Thomas Jefferson, the author of The Declaration of
Independence and President of the United States, wrote that “the strongest
reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a
last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in Government.” How does
a free society accomplish this goal? You guessed it; it’s called the 2nd
Governments and elitist Liberal legislators use gun control to ultimately
control people, not to control lifeless guns. The truth that the elitists
don’t want you to know is that the largest murderers of innocent people are
tyrannical governments. Over the span of the past 100 years, gun control
laws imposed by racists, Nazi?s, communist?s and other dictators have been
responsible for the murder of a staggering 56 million innocent people. In
addition, it is estimated that 2 million of 10 million African slaves that
were transported to the west during times of slavery, died in the process of
the transportation. To be sure, this was a genocide of the black race.
Ironically, many slaves were traded for guns. CORAD believes that gun
control on law-abiding citizens is racist.
References and footnotes
See the consequences of gun control