Gun Owners of America Joins Forces with Front Sight Founder’s Society.
October 12, 2001
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Fax: 831.684.2137
e-mail: [email protected]
Please forward to all on your e-mail lists!
Gun Owners of America Joins Forces with Front Sight Founder’s Society.
New Gun Rights Powerhouse is Born!
$1000 Gift To You!!!
Las Vegas, Nevada and Washington DC: There is a new leader
making history in the gun rights arena by offering more
immediate value to its members than any other organization
and repeatedly demonstrating how to positively change the
image of gun ownership in America.
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute’s Founder’s Society
is that new leader and Larry Pratt, President of Gun Owners
of America recognizes all that Front Sight Founder’s Society
has to offer. Larry Pratt’s GOA recently joined forces with
Front Sight to form a gun rights powerhouse alliance that
has no peer. GOA with its over 300,000 members and its No
Compromise pledge, will now be Front Sight’s ally lobbying
to protect our Second Amendment rights in Washington DC.
In an interview released today, Larry Pratt of GOA said,
“Front Sight is on the cutting-edge of firearms training and
GOA is proud to be allied with the group, working together
to protect our constitutional liberties.”
To see all that Front Sight offers visit their web site at Make sure you view Front Sight’s links
to “World Class Facilities” so you can see the world’s only
destination, firearms training resort being built 45 minutes
from Las Vegas, NV dedicated to positively changing the
image of gun ownership and training.
Front Sight’s link to “Our Students Speak” will allow you to
read hundreds of testimonials from law enforcement,
military, and private citizens alike who train together in
courses that far exceed the levels found anywhere else in
the world.
Under the “Front Sight In the News” link you will be
astonished to see the most positive media coverage in the
history of gun ownership from every major media source in
the country.
Be sure to view Front Sight’s “Arm Our Pilots Campaign” to
see how Front Sight has been instrumental in positively
influencing Congress and the public in assisting the arming
and training of commercial pilots to carry a gun for defense
of the cockpit. You will also see the national television
campaign Front Sight is rolling out across every network.
Don’t miss the “Founder’s Society” link and become a member
today by printing it out and faxing to 831.684.2137 or call
us at 1.800.987.7719 and we can enroll you over the phone.
See our $1000 gift to you below.
For a limited time only, Front Sight’s Founder’s Society is
offering $1000 in training at Front Sight for every person
who joins Founder’s Society as a lifetime member. Front
Sight’s founder and director, Dr. Ignatius Piazza states,
“For the first time in the history of gun rights
organizations, you can actually receive immediate value for
your contribution and that value will last you a lifetime.
Once we train you at Front Sight, your comfort of skill at
arms can never be legislated away from you. It is yours for
life! Call us at 1.800.987.7719 and enroll today!”
Dr. Piazza continues, “With Larry Pratt’s GOA protecting our
civil and constitutional firearms rights in Washington, and
Front Sight’s proven track record of positively changing the
image of gun ownership- as well as our unmatched ability to
provide immediate value for your contribution, Front Sight
Founder’s Society is the new leader in the gun rights arena.
We are the future and it is looking brighter each day.
Become a lifetime member of Front Sight’s Founder’s Society
today and begin your training at Front Sight tomorrow. Your
participation will make an immediate and positive