Gun Rights Rally

March 1st, 2012

Rally at the Pennsylvania State Capitol on Monday the 28th of August. Found this on the Second Amendment Sisters Website, to check it out yourself, go to their site, click on “press releases” and then click on “latest press release – Philadelphia – august 28, 2000″. It reads as follows:

HARRISBURG, PA — Second Amendment Sisters will be the prime sponsor of the “PRO Rally”, which is scheduled for the morning of Monday, August 28th in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

The “PRO Rally”, beginning at 10am and running until approximately noon, is a celebration of PRO women, PRO family, PRO tection, and PRO rights legislative policies and agendas. The Rally intends to highlight issues regarding women, families and self-defense. The position of the Rally sponsors is that an enlightened legislative policy would support women’s rights, family’s rights, and self-defense rights.

The honorary host for this event will be State Representative Teresa Forcier. Co-sponsors include WOMEN AGAINST GUN CONTROL(WAGC), Arming Women Against Rape and Endangerment (AWARE), the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), Gun Owners of America (GOA), Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), the Pennsylvania Gun Owners Association (PGOA), the Pennsylvania Sportsmen’s Association (PSA), the Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League (ACSL), and others.

Professor John R. Lott Jr., a senior research scholar at Yale University Law School, will be a featured speaker. Professor Lott recently released the newly-revised edition of “More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws”, which has been updated to include additional research on new gun laws, including mandatory storage provisions, purchase rules, and a study of the Brady Act. Other speakers will include a violent crime victim, a Romanian immigrant/victim of tyranny, a certified personal protection instructor, a gun safety educator, and a pro-Second Amendment, pro self-defense mother of four.

Second Amendment Sisters, Inc. is a grass-roots women’s organization dedicated to preserving the civil right of self-defense, promoting education and holding violent criminals responsible for the crimes they commit.

For more information, contact Maria Heil (PRESS ONLY) 877-797-4857
(ALL OTHERS) 877-212-4170