Gun-Toting in Georgia:
Gun-Toting in Georgia: If you intend to rob me, stab me or punch
me in the neck because you think I looked at you funny, I
recommend you glance at my waist before lifting the pull tab on
that can of whoop-ass. I may be carrying a handgun. Nearly
everyone in our state can legally keep guns in their home. I am
one of the few, the proud, the Georgia Firearms Licensed ?
one of a reported 300,000 Georgians permitted to carry a gun in
public. Unlike the 9.2 million-or-so Peach Staters who do not
possess firearms licenses, I’m legally permitted to carry a gun
pretty much everywhere I go ? walking my dogs, sipping a
latte at my neighborhood coffee shop, buying deodorant at
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !