“Guns and Public Health” – the truth

March 1st, 2012

See Tennessee Law Review Spring 1995 symposium issue (Tennessee Law Review 915 Volunteer Blvd. College of Law – Dunford Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-4070 – I think I had to send $10 for a copy a couple years ago) Several hundres pages of good refutation of the fabricated “data” moronic physicians (especially pediatricians) often use to support asinine and counterproductive gun laws. They don’t mind if more people are killed, as long as they can feel good by advocating we “do something;” if that is any indication of how they make medical decisions, look out!
Also see R.J. Rummel Death by Government, ISBN 1-56000-145-3, or the JPFO.ORG site for details, but essentially, we are desparately worried (enough to throw out the Constitution) about criminals killing innocent people, when the 20th Century world’s experience has been that one’s own police and military are about four times likelier to kill them than is a criminal; note wars are not part of these numbers! Of course some say that may be true, but not here in the U.S. which is true, but then again we have a well-armed populace and thus a healthy balance of power. In the U.S. an average of about 200 innocents are killed per year by criminals using assault weapons, whereas in the rest of the “civilized” world (where only police and military may own such guns) an average of about 4,650 innocents PER DAY have been killed by their own police and military…