“Guns are Designed to Kill / Save lives”
“Guns are Designed to Kill”
#16 in a series of information leaflets from The Stentorian (www.stentorian.com)
(C) 2000, William A. Levinson. Permission is granted to print, copy, and distribute hard (non-electronic) copies of this page freely and without royalties of any kind, provided that it is not altered in any manner. The page is formatted so it will fit on a single 8.5 by 11 inch sheet. It may be photocopied, folded in thirds, taped to form a letter-sized piece, and mailed to anyone whom you think it would interest- and they are encouraged to similarly copy and distribute it.
Firearms, and especially handguns, were invented primarily to kill, incapacitate, or deter the most dangerous animal on earth. (They also can, however, provide food as well as hours of safe and enjoyable recreational target shooting.) Do you have a problem with that?
“Studies indicate that firearms are used over two million times a year for personal protection, and that the presence of a firearm, without a shot being fired, prevents crime in many instances. Shooting usually can be justified only where crime constitutes an immediate imminent threat to life limb or in some cases property. Anyone is free to quote or reproduce these accounts.” Send clippings to: “The Armed Citizen,” 11250 Waples Mill Rd., Fairfax, VA 22030
“A number of unsolved burglaries and a subsequent string of sexual assaults near the University of North Carolina? Charlotte campus had female residents there fearing for their safety. It was that heightened sense of awareness, and an armed citizen, that helped prevent yet another attack. Twenty-six-year-old Adrian Rodricka Cathey entered a woman? apartment early one morning and assaulted her with a knife. This time, however, the intended victim fought back, retrieving a firearm and shooting her assailant. Cathey, who had a record of arrests on charges of rape and attempted murder, was later found dead in a parking lot.” (The Charlotte Observer Charlotte, NC, 11/1 8/98) Guns can kill; do you have a problem with that?
“Djuana M. Simpson was at home on the east side of Akron, Ohio, when an attacker broke in. It was a situation that felt all too familiar because, incredibly, the attacker was the same man who had invaded Simpson? home once before. This time, as he threatened to kill Simpson, she fought back in defense of her life, firing at the man and sending him to a local hospital with a gunshot wound. Police said that even while being treated the man vowed to kill his victim when he got out of jail.” (Akron Beacon Journal, Akron, OH, 10/31/98) Guns can put people in hospitals; do you have a problem with that?
“A 60-year-old resident of Chicago? northwest side was confronted with a terrifying sight: a knife-wielding intruder inside the house. The quick-thinking senior homeowner answered the threat to his life with four shots from a .22-cal. pistol, striking down his attacker and sending him to a hospital with gunshot wounds to the head and thigh. Police said the homeowner would not be charged because he acted in self-defense.” (Chicago Tribune, Chicago, IL, 10/20/98)
“A 36-year-old Louisiana man was appropriately charged with “simple burglary” and “simple trespassing” after he broke into a home and attempted to make off with an antique cedar armoire, according to authorities. What the man hadn?t counted on was an alert neighbor who telephoned sheriff’s deputies and then used a gun to hold him until they could arrive and make the arrest. (The Advertiser, Lafayette, LA, 9/15/98) Guns can often (96 out of 100 times, per statistics from Masaad Ayoob’s The Truth About Self-Protection, p. 327) stop violent crimes without anyone being shot. I really hope you don’t have a problem with that.