Guns, Children & Hypocrisy, An Example Of The Anti’s Deception.

March 1st, 2012

06 Jan 2002, 07:11 AM EST Msg. 18132 of 18146

Guns, Children & Hypocrisy, An Example Of The Anti’s Deception.

NOTE: I copied this from the Yahoo “Firearms” board:

” Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 10:44:21 -0500
To: Yahoo “Firearms” board
From: “Rights Education Fund” [email protected]
Subject: Guns and Children and Hypocrisy

Good morning to you all,

This is a bit long but stick with me please. I think you will find it interesting. Although this particular attempt to subvert democracy happened in the Tennessee Legislature it could just as easily have happened in any of our fifty states.

Yesterday I witnessed an appalling, and in many ways pathetic, attempt to pervert the legislative process.

REF director Bob Wiest and myself had been invited by Representative Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet, TN)
[email protected] to testify before an ad hoc subcommittee of the Tennessee House Judiciary Committee.

Chaired by Representative Henri Brooks (D-Memphis, TN) [email protected] the committee’s stated purpose was to examine “Children and Guns” safety issues. Until now Brooks’ claim to fame has been her refusal to recite the Pledge of Allegiance during opening ceremonies of the House.

Brooks maintains that the flag of the United States is a flag of oppression and she will not respect it. Considering that opinion you might think she would be in favor of allowing her Black constitutents to keep and bear arms. Not so. You have to wonder where her allegiance lies. Some would say she is a female Uncle Tom given that the original gun control laws were intended to keep slaves in check, and later to prevent freed Blacks from defending themselves.

After receiving the invitation from Rep. Beavers, and in compliance with instructions issued by the committee chair, Rep. Brooks, I e-mailed a synopsis of the remarks Bob and I planned to make to Brooks’ office. Receipt of that e-mail was confirmed by Rep. Beaver’s secretary on a visit to Brooks’ office. Despite this, Bob and I discovered we were not on the agenda. Brooks replied to Repesentative Beavers’ inquiry as to why by saying that we had not provided her with our remarks. Rep. Beavers challenged this assertion and, from the audience, so did I. Brooks stated, “For the record, we did not receive that e-mail.” Well, for the
record, one of us is telling a lie, and it ain’t me!

With Representative Beavers insisting that we be heard, and reminding Brooks that she had refused to allow us to testify at the last committee meeting, Brooks reluctantly agreed we could speak at the end of the agenda.

Brooks had refused to accept our testimony at the previous meeting because “this is about child safety, not about guns.” This was quite obviously a lie as the testimony at that meeting was about nothing but guns.

Representative Beavers then requested that Bob and I be permitted to offer our testimony earlier because we both had
committments back in Knoxville. Brooks finally agreed but only after Representative Kim McMillan (D-Clarksville, TN) [email protected] joined with Rep. Beavers and spoke aggressively on our behalf.

Other witnesses before the committee included a Memphis, TN police major in charge of school security, (Glocks, according to the major, are available on Memphis street corners for $50.00. Several of us will be travelling to Memphis in the near future. Perhaps we can help to decrease the gun supply there.) a doctor from a trauma center, an administrator from Vanderbilt University and a lady from something called Genuis, Inc. that was touting a poor knock-off of the Eddie Eagle program. John Harris, Executive Director of the Tennessee Firearms Association and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment>/ was also on the agenda but unfortunately we had to leave before he spoke.

This committee is a farce. Brooks has no interest in child safety. Her interest is in abolishing the Second Amendment. The major, the doctor, the adminstrator and the folks from Genuis, Inc. and several others said everything they could to demonize guns. “Guns are bad, guns are bad, guns are bad.” to quote from the video shown by Genuis, Inc.

Despite her obvious distaste for my remarks, and her rude and disrespectful behavior while I spoke, Brooks was forced to hear that gangbangers 18, 19 and older are not children and when they kill each other in drug deals or are killed by our police that is not a child safety issue.

Brooks also had to listen as I told her committee that in 1999, according to CDC, 2,608 children were killed in automobiles, 1,010 children drowned, 675 were killed while crossing the street and 201 died while riding their bicycles. 142 children were killed in either accidental or deliberate shootings.

Brooks heard that, in 1996, 40 kids drowned in buckets and 80 drowned in tubs while there were 21 accidental firearms deaths for children. Parents could have prevented six times as many drowning deaths as they could firearms deaths.

If Brooks were truly interested in child safety she would shift her focus to preventing childhood deaths from real threat areas. Instead she’ll probably hold hearings on bb guns since the trauma doc told the committe how dreadful were the wounds inflicted by bb guns “shells.” His word, not mine.

Bob Wiest spoke primarily to training and familiarity issues, pointing out that allowing children to handle firearms and understand them, under adult supervision of course, took away the mystique and, consequently, the curiosity that caused children to search for and play with guns. His remarks were well received by all of the committee members. excepting Brooks, and elicited questions about safe storage.

Bottom line, we didn’t change any minds but we did force facts, rather than myth, into the record and helped to smoke Brooks out as the anti-gun liberty leech she truly is.

Representative Mae Beavers has REF’s gratitude for inviting us to speak and demanding that we be heard. Likewise, Representative Kim McMillan for joining Rep. Beavers in that demand.

For straight and honest facts about guns, and to debunk the myths spread by the liberty leeches of the liberal left, download Guy Smith’s “Gun Facts” at>.

Confusion to the enemy, foreign and domestic,

Ed Williamson
for the Rights Education Fund

P.S. Remember, please, California didn’t go from Ronald Reagan to Gray Davis overnight. ”

NOTE: Question; If children, and saving their lives were truly the cause of the anti, should not banning bycicles be more of a cause?

” Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the media, for they will steal your HONOR. That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse. ” Mark Twain
