Guns, Crime, And The News Media: The Truth That Is Concealed
Guns, Crime, And The News Media: The Truth That Is Concealed
… What the media almost never report is the fact that everywhere concealed
carry is in effect, serious crime has declined dramatically. That’s because
most of the media is in favor of gun control. The fact that concealed carry
has a positive effect in every community where it is used disrupts their
theory that gun control is needed to combat crime. You never hear the truth
about Washington, D.C. The nation’s capital has thtoughest gun control
laws in the nation. But Washington also has one of the highest murder rates
committed with guns in the nation. There turned out to be no correlation
between the passage of gun control laws and a drop in the number of murders
committed with guns. In fact, crimes committed with guns actually went up
after some of the toughest measures were passed. …\Commentary\archive\200208\COM20020814b.html