Guns Owners Agenda Survey
Guns Owners Agenda Survey
Source: National Republican Congressional Committee
Published: February, 2000 Author: NRCC Guns Owners Task Force
Posted on 02/24/2000 16:56:04 PST by annie oakley
This Task Force is being organized to unite partriotic, law-abiding citizens and freedom-loving Americans for the purpose of protecting the Second Amendment by supporting the election of Republicans to the U. S. House of Representatives.
Leading Democrats, including Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and Democratic Congressional Committee Chairman Patrick Kennedy, have made it clear that they want restrictions on your Second Amendment rights to be a major campaign theme for Democrats running for Congress in 2000.
The best way you can help stop this Democrat drive to take over Congress and begin restricting your rights is to complete the attached Gun Owners Survey, then place the form in the postage-paid envelope provided, along with the largest contribution you can afford and mail it to the NRCC today.
Survey Questions:
1. Do you believe that the Second Amendment has become out-dated and private ownership of firearms should be eliminated? (Yes, No, No Opinion.)
2. Several Mayors have simultaneously filed lawsuits seeking damages from firearms retailers and manufacturers for the illegal use of guns by criminals. Would you support passage of Federal legislation to block filing lawsuits of this kind in Federal Courts?
3. Do you believe that you, personally, should be required to contact a law enforcement agency to check the background of a relative or friend who wishes to buy one of your rifles or any gun you may no longer want?
4. Do you support national computerized firearms registration which would require that you register all of your guns, get a photo I.D. and be fingerprinted?
5. Do you support Democrat legislative proposals for a federal gun-rationing program which would limit the number of firearms you are able to purchase during a given period of time (such as one gun a month)?
6. Do you support Democrats in Congress’ call for large increases in taxes on firearms and ammunition purchases?
7. Should handguns be banned?
8. Do you support passage of legislation that requires unlicensed gun sellers to do an “instant-check,” same day background check, on individuals who buy guns from them at gun shows?
9. Do you believe that your Second Amendment rights will be more secure with a conservative Republican Majority in Congress or a liberal Democrat Majority in control of Congress?
Mail to: Tom Delay, NRCC Gun Owners Task Force, 320 First Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003
Note: All contributions permissible under the Federal Election Campaign Act will be deposited into the NRCC Federal Account for use on behalf of federal cnadidates. All other funds will be deposited into the NRCC Trust Fund and used for non-federal, party-building purposes. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited.
Received this in the mail today. The answers to the questions seem rather obvious and I thought this was just another request from the RNC for a contribution. However, maybe they could use a lot of responses to their questions (whether money accompanies it or not) in citing statistics to fight the gun-control advocates. (I like the part about contributions from foreign nationals.)