Guns stop killing By “Pancho V”
“James D. Vilos”
To: “James D. Vilos”
Subject: Pancho’s Editorial in SLTrib
Date: Apr 19, 2007 10:33 AM
Wha shut ma mouth; the liberal rag, The Trib, printed it?!?! MV
Guns stop killing
Public Forum Letter
Article Last Updated: 04/18/2007 06:35:05 PM MDT
The news media and their fellow “intellectuals” are wringing their hands
asking how so many innocent young people could die in a school “protected”
by a campus no-weapons policy.
Good thing we had legions of strict state and federal laws in place
prohibiting student foreign nationals from possessing handguns, with serial
numbers obliterated, on campus. Otherwise, more innocent people might have
died at Virginia Tech!
I know, let’s make it a state felony to utter the words “gun,”
or “assault rifle” on campus and a federal felony to belong to the NRA!
Surely, that will stop the killings!
When will policy makers pull their heads out of that warm, dark place
called “political correctness”? How long until they accept the reality
evil will always exist and that it’s an abomination to deprive American
citizens with clean criminal records of the inalienable right of
Our legislators should be commended for refusing to allow the University
of Utah to create “gun-free zones” where innocents can be slaughtered
fish in a barrel. Now, when are employers, including the U.S. Postal
Service, who create no-weapon policies going to get the clue?
Mitch Vilos
James D. “Mitch” Vilos
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 1148
Centerville, Utah 84014
Practice Concentrating in Accidents and Personal Injury, Insurance Law,
Medical Malpractice, Defective Products, Workplace Injuries (not Worker’s
Compensation), and Firearms Law (representation of gun owners in criminal
actions, and expungements).
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !