Handgun Control Inc. Lawyer Proves Opponents’ Case In Public

March 1st, 2012

Handgun Control Inc. Lawyer Proves Opponents’ Case in Public
Dennis Henigan, the chief lawyer for Handgun Control, Inc. (and co-counsel
for New Orleans, one of the cities that is suing gun manufacturers) recently
proved that another of HCI’s snake-oil remedies? gun locks? are likely to
get their owners killed. “At a recent antigun conference in Chicago, Mr.
Henigan, who is the top lawyer with Handgun Control Inc., the country’s
largest gun control organization, waved a version of the [Saf T Lock],
extolling how easy it is to operate. Then, punching in what he thought was
the correct combination, the lawyer failed to unlock the gun, much to the
evident discomfort of the sympathetic audience.” He excused his failure with
the words, “Even if a klutz like me fumbles on the first try, the benefits
of having a lock outweigh the risks.” (Barrett, “A Simple Invention Points
Up Complexity of Gun-Control Suits,” Wall Street Journal, 4/23/99, A1).
Um, Mr. Henigan, sorry to inject reality into your life, but you don’t get a
second try. If you were trying to unlock that gun to defend yourself or your
family against a violent criminal, you would be dead. Your wife, children,
etc. might be dead, too. You screwed up when the only pressure was a
demonstration in front of an audience- not in front of a violent criminal
who was trying to kill you. That should tell you (and the people to whom you
are trying to sell your snake oil) something.

I hope the gun manufacturers you are trying to (in my opinion) swindle with
your (in my opinion) abusive and frivolous lawsuit introduce your
demonstration into court as evidence.