Has anyone else heard of this?

March 1st, 2012

An item on the news…after the September 11 attacks an employee of the Ft Lauderdale Hospital recognized from pictures some of the hijackers. Apparently the hijackers had come into the hospital and used a computer for something. She did what any good citizen would do-she called the FBI.

Two FBI agents came to the hospital to speak with her…apparently the hospital administrator (named Sosa, if it matters) flew into a rage because he felt they had no right to come into the hospital armed….he ordered them from the property. Rather than exercise their authority they did leave.

Now I’m not nearly as diplomatic as these agents…(I know you’re all shocked at that!)…but if I was working on that big of a case I’d throw the administrator out rather than leave personally…better still if I could throw him out from above the third floor and best of all if I could make sure he lands on his head. If you think I’m kidding you’re sadly mistaken. I hate morons and medical-type morons are particularly delightful to slam! Anyway the agents retired to the parking lot and the employee went out there to see them. The agents interviewed her and she went back in to work after a few minutes. When she got back inside she was promptly fired. The reason given for the dismissal was her summoning the FBI and causing them to come on the property armed!

What is it with these quacks in the medical community and firearms? What do they have against saving lives? I know they are in the insurance business (certainly they don’t care anything about saving lives) but you’d think that dirtbags like this would concentrate on working his own side of the street!

Well, if anyone knows an e-mail address for this scumbag organization post it here so we can all write these bums and demand an explanation.