Hatch and Bush, hand in hand into the precipice !!!
Open letter to Senator Hatch,
Regrettably, along with Governor Bush, you have chosen to embark upon a poll guided path of minimal resistance (erroneously perceived to be). In reality, your destination is bleak and assures well deserved political misfortunes. Your heading is misguided, dishonorable and destroys the integrity of the United States Constitution as a consequence. You have forsaken the Constitution, the intent of our Founding Fathers and the law-abiding gun owners of this once gallant, now dispirited nation.
Whether or not the citizens of this nation believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms is irrelevant to the application of “Constitutional Law”. Regardless of social or political popularity, our Constitution protects the civil rights of every individual. For the survival of our “Constitutional Republic”, you must reconsider your anti-gun stance. As the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, you have the authority (lent to you by the people) to belay further unconstitutional infractions.
I strongly reaffirm my opposition to any additional gun control measures. The proposed legislation destined for conference is without question a further infringement upon our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. We, as law-abiding citizens have been harassed beyond reason and commonsense with unrelenting, nonsensical and asinine gun legislation. There is indeed a sleeping giant comprised of American gun owners who are fed-up with incremental gun infringements and about to awaken in anger. We are determined to NEVER relinquish or compromise our inalienable, God given rights of self-preservation. “The first law of nature”. How can one, in good logic, with a natural sense of self-preservation, compromise on a right (not a privilege) that is Constitutionally guaranteed?
Government, along with our politicians have displayed on numerous occasions, acts of indifference, corruption and incompetence, requiring constant vigilance and control by the citizens of this nation. To this day, nothing has changed. We need citizen control over our audacious, violent (i.e. Waco and Ruby Ridge) and depraved government. Not legislative control over lifesaving guns. You have no constitutional or moral authority to either give nor take away the right of the people to keep and bear arms or to defile and debilitate the Second Amendment. The Constitution is in place to restrict your legislative actions! Our human rights are not negotiable!!!
An uncompromising stand against further oppressive legislation, including gun and owner registration, will assure your support from the conservative mainstream. As our public servant, you are further advised to sift through the 20,000 gun laws that must be abolished in obedience to “Constitutional Law”.
It is a fact that GUNS SAVE LIVES. Sincere investigation can make this fact readily known to yourself and the public. The polls that have been cited by your colleagues are inaccurate and misleading. They have been designed by emotionally prejudiced anti-gun activists. Obtain the supported detailed facts from the Conservative, Libertarian and gun owners Web Pages. A recent “Time Magazine” poll indicates that 72.62% of the public DO NOT want additional gun control measures. In any event, the polls are irrelevant, whichever direction they lean, to the constitutional matter at hand.
The American people are exasperated with politicians who continuously trivialize the Constitution. We desperately need a President of courage, forthrightness and principle. Our Founding Fathers demanded nothing less. Nor shall we! At this juncture, yourself and Governor Bush are clearly void of the above mentioned attributes.
Keep in mind that your constituents of Utah are very pro-gun and Second Amendment. None of us will any longer tolerate your infringing upon our civil and Constitutional rights of self-preservation. Again, the proposed infringing gun legislation heading for conference is indeed a violation of the people’s (individuals) Second Amendment protections and must be defeated.
Prior to and during the Senate impeachment trial of President Clinton, your collaboration with and acquiescence (prosecution impeding trial rules) to the blatantly hypocritical opposition party, did not go unnoticed by the principled voters of America. Your fainthearted, defeatist demeanor was a disgrace to the intent of Constitutional Law and an international embarrassment to people of integrity. I shall remind you of your allegiance to the people and Constitution of the United States and trust that this inadequate and self-serving conduct will not continue. Your future words and actions shall be earnestly scrutinized by many patriotic and concerned citizens. We will then know whether to support your presidential aspirations or instead judge your behavior towards the people and Constitution of this land as being adversarial. If in the latter case, we shall go all out, leaving no stone unturned, to assure your political defeat. You are either a supporter of the people or of tyranny. You cannot have it both ways. We, an enormous number of law-abiding gun owners, have had enough of this self-serving political anti-gun balderdash!