HCI is Sexist!
Groups like Handgun Control, Inc (HCI) is one of American?s largest gun
control advocacy groups. HCI poses a danger to society, in particular to
women. Handgun Control?s objectives are clear in their illogical desire to
impose sweeping handgun control laws on law-abiding citizens. However, their
defense for their subjective position is extremely hypocritical. One merely
has to read HCI?s header on their web pag that “the person most likely to
kill you has the key to your house” to deduce the illogic and foolishness of
their argument. HCI implies that violent men are the most ominous threat to
women. Yet at the same time, women are denied their right to acquire
handguns to protect themselves against a violent spouse or boyfriend by HCI?
s supported waiting period. This makes HCI culpable of not only being sexist
but quite possibly, active participants in the murdering and slaughtering of
helpless women. Rather than advocating criminal control, like most elitist
groups of power who embrace subjective thinking, HCI advocates law abiding
citizen control.