HCI’s new love child by RandallFlagg
Robyn Anderson has spoken to the politicians in Washington about the “Easy availability” of firearms. She purchased two of the weapons used in the Columbine killings then gave them to the murderers Kliebold and Harris. She stated that if the seller of the weapons would have asked her personal questions (Social security number, address, etc) then she would have been too nervous to have bought the firearms then give them to the killers. Her Washington lecture ended with a lecture from a Republican lawmaker who told the teen she was being “tragically and carelessly” manipulated by a gun-control Democrat, much the way Harris and Klebold manipulated her for their evil purposes.
Let’s look at this, shall we?
Why was she there? I live near this woman and know the crowd that is usually categorized by the public eye as she, Harris and Kliebold was. If she was pro gun, then we’d see the hammering of nails to the cross every day here in Colorado. The police and FBI have gone after the person who introduced the killers to the person who sold them the TEC-9 pistol. Let me say that again… They went after someone who said, “Eric and Dylan, this is Mark.” THAT IS ALL HE DID! He will probably end up in prison for the next 15 to 20 years for this. Why? The true villans are dead, people still need to roll some heads over this.
But, let me get back to Anderson.
Providing a firearm to a minor is a felony. Anderson was over eighteen when she did this, so she must pay the price. This is not in question. If she went to Washington and said, “The second amendment shouldn’t apply to this case because these were criminal acts with firearms. Don’t pass laws against the law-abiding gun owners in this country because of the acts of we three criminals…blah-blah…gun rights…blah–yadda–yadda..” she would have been hung out to dry. If she goes to Washington and says, “Ban guns or people like me will get them and more will die”, who is speaking here?
My personal belief is that the wonderful folks at HCI cornered Anderson and scared the crap outta her. Then said, “If you tell Washington that guns are evil, they should be banned, etc, then our lawyers will get you off the hook.”
Robyn Anderson should pay heavily for what she did. It IS against the law. More laws won’t change things. She is a criminal and has no place anywhere NEAR congress. She needs to have a room at the crossbar hotel VERY soon!
Now, she’s a “Talking Head”… She has become something worse!
The steps HCI will take to get their agenda splashed on the papers simply astonishes me!