He’d like to hear your story! Please help.

March 1st, 2012

Hi all!
The following is an message I received from Mr. Paul Hager, Indiana libertarian candidate for the U.S. Senate. He is presently running against Senator Dick Lugar in this election. Mr. Hager came and spoke to our WAGC/SAFE group here in Indiana about 2 months ago. He is a sincere defender of freedom and RKBA. Please take a moment to read his request and respond if you would. More women need to voice their support of RKBA to a broader audience, and Mr. Hager can help us do this.

Thank you,
Radonna Doan
From Paul:

You may remember that when I came and spoke to your group, I talked about direct political action. Well, I’m starting the ball rolling. My campaign website, /www.paulhager.org/ will be continuing post-election. I’m going to devote it to self-defense advocacy and have begun the process with the first in a series of web-published, weekly articles in a series I call, “Why I Carry”.

Right now, what I’d like from you is a testimonial dealing with your experience carrying for self-defense — how it makes you feel, what sort of concerns you have, does it make you less fearful, etc. Also, I’d appreciate it if you would contact any women you know who carry who would be willing to send me similar testimonials. This is intended for #3 in the series, which I’ll be publishing 5 November. I’ll only be using excerpts — no names will be used, of course — from which I’ll put together the woman’s perspective on carry. If anyone has had the experience of having to actually draw their gun or fire it, it’s OK to include that, although I probably won’t deal with that aspect of things in #3.

Thanks in advance,

paul hager [email protected]

“I would give the Devil benefit of law for my own safety’s sake.”
–from A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS by Robert Bolt