
March 1st, 2012

my but you ARE a fast reader. It wasn’t but a couple of minutes before this response came back. Looking forward to your answering my questions here and on the WAGC board…..
Speaking of which, RE: your original post with those stats on the WAGC Board, would you mind giving me a source, date of those stats and identify the academic who conducted and
published the study and to identify where the *sample* came from, over
what period of time, describe the controls of the so-called *study to which you referenced on the board. And don’t tell me that wasn’t you, cause you have already admitted to it being you in this response.
Oh and I agree , you are welcome to your opinion of firearms as I am mine….. It is, after all that, Second Amenment RIGHT (notice I said RIGHT, not PRIVELEDGE) that is the ultimate guarantor of all of our other RIGHTS, including your/my/our RIGHT to speak our opinions AND our right to peacefully assemble as we did in DC on Mother’s Day. (Although the MMM participants were NOT too peaceable, what with spitting on SAS-AIMM Marchers and physically attacking SAS AIMM marchers on more than one occassion, one being a 9 yr old boy. You can bet your life that you will NEVER see a SASAIMM / WAGC / Mother’s Arms / SWARM Lady of igh Calibur grabbing YOUR 9 yr old daughter by the arm and shouting in HER face “you should be raped, you should be raped”.)

You don’t want firearms – don’t own them; you don’t want your children to be around friends families who own firearms – then may I suggest that YOU AS A PAERNT have the balls to ask your kids friends parents if they have firearms in the house, you don’t need the government doing it by way of UNCONSTITUTIONAL mandates.

…..and if it ended there we would have no problem.

The problem we have is when folks like you and Rosie O make statements like “all guns should be banned” and “all gunowners should go to jail”.
Your emotions INFRINGE on our RIGHT!

I look forward to hearing answers to my many questions and our continued discussion and hopefuly…. solutions…..

yours truely,
Women Against Gun Control