Here we go again
Two days ago in a Dallas suburb a teacher was shot down in a school zone. I did not catch why, since I was busy, but I saw her picture, and she looked to be in her early twenties. Wait a minute!! Is’nt there a law that says firearms are not allowed in school zones so that those who feel, um, ‘uncomfortable’ with them don’t have to worry about their children being threatened by gun violence? Is’nt there a law that says there is a nasty little sentence for anyone caught carrying a gun, licensees included?
The day before that there was an elementary student with a little pellet gun caught with it in school. He was showing it to friends. Instead of taking the pellet gun and putting it in the office, explaining why this was not permitted, then sending the gun, which was empty, home to mom and dad and asking them to be more concious of their son’s actions, the school put the boy out for the rest of the year, and from what I recall of the story they informed everyone of this supposed terrible threat. Parents were highly upset that their children had been exposed to the dangers of gun violence…from a boy with a little toy gun he was showing to friends, not from a terrorist maniac. Others may disagree, but this is my point of view.