jan’s story
The 2nd Amendment IS the Equal Rights Amendment
Hi. Nineteen years ago I was in a serious car crash. A thin white divider sheet separated the hospital room that I was sharing with a man who had been intentionally shot in the neck with a .9mm handgun. We both survived.
The year was 1993. I had two young daughters, ages 5 and 2. Gun control was the hottest topic being debated in local, state, and national news. Women were leading the charge for more gun control stating that passing more gun control laws would make the United States safer. U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein stated that “[Banning guns] addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.” U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders said, “Handguns are a public health issue,” and Sarah Brady, wife of press secretary for Ronald Reagan and the leading voice that pushed for passage of the Brady Bill on Nov. 30, 1993, said, “We are not for disarming people. When you have an epidemic it’s a public health issue, a safety issue.”
I believed these high-profile women. I believed they wanted to protect my children. The fact that I was laying in a hospital bed next to a victim of “gun crime” proved that certainly without a doubt that guns cause crime. That would be so easy, I thought. Ban guns. Crime would magically disappear. My family would be safe.
As a college graduate from Brigham Young University, I was accustomed to writing research papers. So I read articles and did research on crime statistics. Imagine my surprise when my investigation concluded that passing MORE gun control laws do NOT make the U.S. safer. I concluded these high-profile women did NOT want to protect my children. And, in fact, automobile accidents cause more deaths than guns. I also learned that guns are used 2.5 million times a year to save lives.
I waited for someone to say something to counter these highly misguided gun-banning women. I decided I needed to say something. I began lobbying elected officials, attending public hearings, and organizing pro-gun rallies. I couldn’t believe the amount of media attention I received. I was just a stay-at-home mom who wanted to protect my little girls.
Here’s an excerpt from the first news article I was quoted in: “And Janalee Tobias won applause from the crowd when she framed gun ownership as a women’s rights issue. ‘Nothing makes me feel more secure than to know I have a gun when I need it…There is more evidence that the media contributes more to cause violence by the way they report crime than do guns…Why not require a five-day wait for a news broadcast to make sure they get all their facts right? If you’re willing to give up on the Second Amendment, why not the First?’”
And this quote became a media favorite and quote of the week, “When there aren’t any warm, strong shoulders of a man to lean on for protection, there’s nothing that feels better than the cold, steel barrel of a gun.”
My phone began “ringing off the hook” from people and reporters from across the United States and even some foreign countries who wanted my opinion on gun control. I also received phone calls and letters from women who wanted to add their voice to mine. I started Women Against Gun Control to be a voice to counter the women politicians and celebrities who advocate for stricter and more “common sense” gun control laws which include licensing, registration, ammunition taxes, and yes, in some cases, an outright ban. In 1992, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supported a federal ban on semi-automatic firearms.
Since 1993 Women Against Gun Control has been an all-volunteer, grassroots organization that conducts high-powered meetings around kitchen tables all across the U.S. to plot ways to fight gun control. There are now many pro-gun women’s’ organizations that have formed to fight against gun control to protect their families and to protect the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. We consider these groups to be our “Sisters in Arms.”
This website, www.wagc.com has been largely the work of volunteers. A history of www.wagc.com can be found at: http://wayback.archive.org/web/19960701000000*/http://wagc.com
Women Against Gun Control would never have survived without the help of volunteers throughout the U.S. and even some parts of the world. In particular, I’d like to thank Nancy Herrington, Decatur, Georgia for assembling the best collection of news articles beginning in 1999 relating to guns being used to save lives and anything else that pertains to guns and “holding down the fort,” while I was in litigation for nine years on a free speech issue (www.slappsuit.org) . That collection has been preserved in this website under “Articles” and is an excellent resource for students or anyone who is interested in gun research. Nicolee Castiglione, Sue Darrah, Diane Bauman, Claudia Hepner, Emily Capito, Patricia Saye “Lady Liberty,” and Ricki Landers “Hell on Wheels” who passed a few years ago…are some of the “Ladies of High Caliber” who have spent countless hours volunteering their time to protecting our right to keep and bear arms.
This website is in the process of being re-designed with new ideas and new products. Because so many women got involved in speaking up and defending gun rights, it’s no secret now that not all women support gun control. Thanks to my friends out there who have taken the time to defend the Second Amendment! “The Second Amendment IS the Equal Rights Amendment.”
Since one of the arguments of WAGC has been that “guns don’t cause crime,” this website will explore what does crime and what we as Americans can do to work together as Republicans, Democrats, and third parties…as AMERICANS…united in a cause to fight crime at its roots. We welcome your comments.
*Note to gunbanners. Even though WAGC will focus on combating crime through means other than gun control, don’t even THINK ABOUT trying to pass more gun control laws without a big fight on your hands!