How to Impress Your Wife With Your Gun

March 1st, 2012

How to Impress Your Wife With Your Gun
Date: Mar 29, 2007 7:52 PM
March 29, 2007
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director

How to Impress Your Wife with Your Gun
And Make the Founding Fathers Proud Too…

Dear Friend and Student of Front Sight,

We state YOU, the student, are the Product of
Front Sight and that when you leave us, we look
at you as a representative of our organization.
That is why we do everything we can to make
you as good as we possibly can in any course
you ever attend with us. We believe it and
we live it with every student we see.

Sound like marketing hype?
Shallow promises?

Don’t bet against us because we have tens of
thousands of graduates who know Front Sight
delivers even more than what we promise.

Here’s another example of everything we say
coming together for one of our students in a
way that made his wife proud too.

Read for yourself…

Dear Dr. Piazza,

I was at my local shooting range last week
and took my wife with the hope of getting
her interested in self defense. As I felt it
best to have someone other than me give her
some training, I asked the Range Safety Officer
to go thru the safety talk with her and get her
started with the basics.

After she finished shooting, I went thru my usual
Front Sight drills– straight out of the Four Day
Defensive Handgun curriculum. Shoot and Move, Quick
Check, Final Check, Scan, etc… Center of mass,
Brain box for failure to stop, etc… I even had a
“Type 3 Malfunction”, which I automatically cleared
and continued. I finished up the Ragged Hole Drill…

On the drive home, my wife told me that the Range
Safety Officer told her, that I was the best self-defense
shooter he has seen, and that people always stop what
they are doing to watch me when I shoot.

I have to tell you that hearing her say that and seeing
the look of pride on her face made me feel pretty darn

I owe it all to you Dr. Piazza and your Front Sight
program, instructors, and facility.

I want you to know I strive to be an ambassador for Front
Sight, telling any interested party all about Front Sight
and urging them to watch your TV Series, Front Sight

Just wanted you to know.

Thanks again for what you are doing.

William Landess, MD
Grand Ledge, Michigan
Diamond Elite Member

Than you William for what YOU are doing. It is great
students like you who are helping us positively change the
image of gun ownership in our lifetimes.

To experience what William Landess experienced and take
advantage of all that Front Sight offers, see our Lifetime
Memberships at:

Secure your own Lifetime Membership before all the Gun
Giveaway Bonuses are gone and I must raise prices again…

And watch our 26 episode Reality TV Series, Front Sight
Challenge on Versus (VS) Network! Shown every Friday at
5:30pm Eastern Standard Time and Sunday at 2:00pm Eastern
Standard Time (That’s 2:30pm and 11:00am PST)

Check your Local TV Cable Guide for the Versus (VS)
Channel In Your Zip code or Click:

Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !