“How will you protect me from the bad man , mommy?”
“How will you protect me from the bad man?”
#12 in a series of information leaflets from The Stentorian, www.stentorian.com
(C) 2000, William A. Levinson. Permission is granted to print, copy, and distribute hard (non-electronic) copies of this page freely and without royalties of any kind, provided that it is not altered in any manner. The page is formatted so it will fit on a single 8.5 by 11 inch sheet. It may be photocopied, folded in thirds, taped to form a letter-sized piece, and mailed to anyone whom you think it would interest- and they are encouraged to similarly copy and distribute it. Image credits: http://www.stentorian.com/credit.html
You owe your child an answer. It’s not the one Handgun Control Inc. wants.
You can dial 911– if he hasn’t cut the phone line or taken the extension off the hook.
If you dial 911, the police might get there in time– and they might not.
If they don’t, you (or your next of kin) have no recourse. Courts throughout the country have ruled that police have no duty to protect individual citizens.* During the Los Angeles riots, police told desperate citizens, “You’re on your own.”
Million Mom March: “Scribbling out the [weapon] with markers and painting in pretty colors on the flower petals” won’t quite do it. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) says, “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them… ‘Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in,’ I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren’t here.” (CBS-TV’s “60 Minutes”, February 5, 1995.) That might keep him from getting a gun, and it might not… meanwhile, he’s twice your weight, he has a knife, and he’s hopped up on dope- or he’s a psychopathic serial killer like Ted Bundy. You’re the only thing between him and your child.
When her life was threatened many years ago, Senator “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in” obtained a permit to carry a concealed pistol. That’s because her life and safety are more important than yours; after all, she’s a wealthy and influential politician, and you’re just an ordinary citizen.
We don’t agree with that. We believe your life, and your child’s, are every bit as important as Senator Feinstein’s. Or that of wealthy playboy Ted Kennedy (D-MA), whose armed bodyguards carry machine guns. Or that of Bill “women exist to gratify my sexual urges” Clinton, whose family was protected by the Arkansas State Police and then by the Secret Service.
Predators prey on weaker animals. Criminals are predators who prey on weaker members of their own species. Humans invented weapons to stop predators. Even if you’re a 110 pound woman and he’s a 220 pound thug, a firearm makes you as big as him– or bigger. That’s why they call it an “equalizer.” Our side is not here to force you to protect your family with a firearm, but we’re here to protect your option and your right to do so.
* “Dial 911 and Die,” available from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. http://www.jpfo.org/Dial911.htm