March 1st, 2012

Elizabeth vs.
the Million Moms

PHILADELPHIA — Maybe you heard about the
confrontation between the Second Amendment
Sisters and the “Million Mom Marchers” in

It’s not a joke. It happened Saturday night — hours
after a less-publicized, but nevertheless exhilarating
confrontation between Elizabeth Farah, my, shall
we say, “outspoken” wife, and a handful of
surprisingly tongue-tied, anti-gun Mom marchers.

According to Second Amendment Sisters
spokeswoman Maria Heil, the anti-gun activists
raided their exhibition in the shadow of
Independence Mall while the pro-gun activists
were away for a few minutes. Their materials were
later discovered in a park garbage can a block

The U.S. Park Police and Philadelphia cops kept an
eye on the two groups as they faced each other on
opposite sides of the mall for the rest of the

But the police missed what may have been the best
confrontation of all. That came when Elizabeth,
overcome by the emotion of a disgusting, filthy,
wretched anti-gun demonstration in the very
shadows of Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell,
took on the Million Moms practically
singlehandedly — and unarmed to boot.

She walked away from me and the kids and our
friends as we strolled through the park Saturday,
so I missed the very beginning of the verbal
exchange. When I first noticed the commotion, an
older, wild-haired man (obviously not a Mom, but a
sympathizer about three French fries short of a
happy meal) was being held back from physically
attacking my wife who was guarded only by four
of our daughters, 14, 11, 8 and eight weeks.

I looked on in amazement, but I wasn’t a bit
worried. I knew Elizabeth could deck this would-be
assailant. He’d be out for the count. He would
never even know what hit him. But I thought it
was interesting that these practitioners and
advocates of nonviolence and disarmament were
not eager to engage in civil debate, but were rather
quick to resort to fisticuffs.

It didn’t faze this bum that he was threatening the
mother of a newborn only a few feet away. After
all, he was fighting for a bigger cause — disarming
every man, woman and child in America and thus
destroying the very foundations of our freedom.

A Philadelphia cop finally warned him it was
probably not a good idea to commit assault in his
presence. Yeah, it would have been a bad idea for a
number of reasons.

But the best part of the confrontation was the way
Elizabeth ate their lunch, dinner and breakfasts
they haven’t even thought about yet.

The “Million Moms” had thousands of shoes in their
display representing the victims of gun violence.
Elizabeth pointed out that they were using faulty
statistics in their display. She told them they were
“an abomination” in the sight of Independence Hall
and all it represented with regard to the birth of
freedom in America. She let them know of the
statistics demonstrating that thousands of times a
day guns actually prevent violence.

The half-dozen million Moms were speechless.
They weren’t interested in discussion. They weren’t
interested in hearing truth. They were only
interested in propagandizing an illegitimate cause
with lies.

Nevertheless, they were very talkative when the
CNN cameras were present for a few moments –
ignoring the Second Amendment Sisters across the
mall and focusing attention on the horror of the
empty shoes.

I found it interesting that not one pair of those
shoes had even a drop of blood on them. Obviously
they were nothing more than props — probably
provided gratis by some multinational athletic
shoemaker and phony as the Million Mom
Marchers’ statistics.

What I found remarkable about these anti-gun
protesters is their eagerness to allow government to
monopolize force. Caught up in the excitement of
Elizabeth’s passion, I couldn’t help but chime in
with that thought for the benefit of the half-dozen
Mom marchers. Again, the only response was tacit

Even my kids were shocked at the inability of these
activists to articulate a coherent position in defense
of their impassioned beliefs. Any one of the
children could have out-debated these low-life

Elizabeth was right. The demonstrators are an
abomination, indeed. Too many good men have
sacrificed their lives, their fortunes and risked their
sacred honor fighting for the right to keep and bear
arms — the cornerstone of a free society. They’re an
insult to the founders’ memory and everything
represented by nearby Independence Hall.

But, even though they obviously don’t feel the same
way about Elizabeth, I defend their right to
continue insulting our intelligence.