hypocricy of the worst kind
Sarah Brady of HCI, quoted in the January 1992 issue of Crimebeat magazine:
“I am certainly not anti-gun by any means. I even enjoy shooting a gun myself. I believe that they can have value for certain things, such as self-defense…”
Dr. Joyce Brothers, the pop psychologist,has claimed that firearms ownership is indicative of male sexual inadequacy. Her husband has pistol permit.
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times, has a NYC pistol permit. The Times has an editorial policy against private handgun ownership.
“Hey, if your daughter is carved on while being raped it’s OK, as long as a handgun isn’t used. You’ve really captured the essence of what I was saying.” — Daniel William Roth ([email protected])
“But even if a ban [on handguns] is instituted I think that superior people such as myself should be allowed to have them.” — Daniel William Roth ([email protected])
Ann Richards, Governor of Texas, who admits carrying concealed pistol, but recently vetoed a bill that would have allowed other women (and men) in Texas to have the same means of self protection.
Anti-gun U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein — who, while Mayor of San Francisco during a “handgun ban” PR stunt, ostentatiously turned in one handgun. And quietly kept her other one.
Anti-gun U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun, a lawyer, who “doesn’t know” whether her .22 caliber pistol is registered in Chicago, as required. [BTW, that's a crime ...]
Anti-gun columnist Carl Rowan, used an illegal handgun to shoot a skinny- dipping teenager. He obtained the illegal pistol from his son, an FBI agent.