I knew it!

March 1st, 2012

Some time ago I posted a note that observed that some politcos were predicting that Hitlery Clinton would be Kerry’s running mate in November. I made the following observation:

>>>It sort of got me to thinking regarding a Kerry/Clinton ticket…remember the old saw that a Vice-President is only a heartbeat away from the Oval Office?

I’d sure hate to be that heartbeat standing between Hitlery and the Presidency!<<<

Now the rumor is once again circulating that Senator Clinton is on the short list for the number two job and former White House Staffer Dick Morris, said on FOX News that he’d hate to insure the Presidents life with her in the Vice-Pres job! The statement, made on international cable television, even stunned Bill O’Reilly, who is not known for his love of the Clintons! It just goes to show that everyone who knows anything about this broad is horrified at the prospect of her being in office!

I just donated to the Bush-Cheney re-election fund-I hope everyone here did the same! I doubt I need to elaborate on the future of the Second Amendment if Hitlery has anything to do with it!