I need help with a pro-gun research study!!!
I am a female graduate student in English at a major Arizona University and I need your help with a study I am conducting on innacurate media representations of gun owners. I am hoping to reveal the more human side of gun advocates in the USA and through this, break down many stereotypes people have of gun advocates. ANY honest info. you give me will help, and is greatly appreciated! (my email address is [email protected] if you would like to email the answers to me directly)Thank you so much for your valuable time!
Here are some questions…
1. A brief personal sketch: age, m/f, where from, etc. No names please!
2. What got you interested in guns? What role do they play in your life? What activities are you invloved in? Do you prefer to participate alone or with others?
3. What binds you to the community of gun owners?
4.How important is the 2nd amendment right to bear arms to you? What does it mean to the citizens of the USA?
5. What political ideals do you feel the NRA stands for? Do you feel they accurately represent the majority of gun owners? Why/Why not?
6. How do you feel the media represents gun owners? Do you feel this portrayal is accurate or innacurate? Why?
7. What are some common stereotypes of gun owners/advocates? What is your opinion of these stereotypes?