i will equalize

March 1st, 2012

From: Jon Roland <[email protected]>
Subject: “I will equalize.”

“Be not afraid of any man,
No matter what his size;
When danger threatens, call on me
And I will equalize.”

–Inscription on Winchester rifle

“Be not afraid of any man
Who walks beneath the skies,
For be he tall or be he strong,
I will equalize.”

–Inscription on Colt handgun, attributed to Samuel Colt

Wyoming was the first state to extend to women the right to
vote, and Texas
the first state to elect a woman governor. Both states had a
tradition of
training women in the use of firearms. The connection is not
a coincidence.
After all, if you were an election judge and armed women
showed up on election

day and said they wanted to vote, would you stand in their
