If you have guns and kids you NEED TO READ THIS book
Gun Proof Your Children!/Massad Ayoob’s Handgun Primer/2 Books in 1 Volume
by Massad Ayoob
Customer Reviews
If you have guns and kids you NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!
Reviewer: Gordon Kelley ( Oregon, USA November 8, 1999
As a parent, I’m extremely impressed with the common-sense approach of this book. I am very impressed and it has had a major impact on how I treat my kids and my guns. I cannot state strongly enough how important it is to read this book if you have children and guns. I bought several copies for friends and relatives.
This system to gun-proof kids works.
Reviewer: GreenEggz9@ ==== Indiana October 14, 1998
I’m in my forties, and back before anyone heard of Massad Ayoob, my father taught me to respect firearms at a tender young age. Then along comes Ayoob and puts these tried and true concepts into written form. Don’t “child-proof” your gun, GUN-PROOF your child! It works!