If you want to know what happens when the Government takes away your gun…
Look at the UK where I live.
After a gun nut shot up a school in Dunblane in Scotland the Government banned ALL handguns!
Yes, that means Olympic sport in every other country is major crime in the UK!
The Government said they was going to stop criminal violence out there by making handguns illegal.
Funny thing about criminal is they just got no respect for the law have they?
Result? Handgun crime has increased every year since they was banned and now we got millions of illegal handguns any criminal can buy who wants one — and they know that innocent people are unarmed and easy meat.
And in case people haven’t got the message, our *right to self-defence* is now *interpreted* like some Government people like to read the 2nd Ammendment — if you use your right to defend yourself you will likely go to prison!
What is going down is the Government wants to make people dependent on the *protection* of the state so a small minority of super-rich people got a machine in their hands with the power to control everybody else! Crime does not worry them because they buy personal protection. Crime helps them if it makes people fearful cos they got no way of defending themselves!
Oh yeah, call the cops! Last week one old lady is watching out the window as local hooligans trash her car. The cops are too busy to come and so she starts taking pictures of the hooligans. Somebody calls the cops and says she got a rifle. A whole squad of armed cops arrive in bulletproof gear and surround her house!
A man was coming home from work in London and stopped for a drink on the way. He got a chair leg in his bag to repair. Somebody called the cops, say he got a gun. When he left the bar he was surrounded by armed cops twenty yards from his house and shot to death when he didn’t drop the *gun* cos he didn’t know what they was talking about!
The judge said the cops thought they were defending themselves against the guy with a chairleg and that makes them innocent.
But what happens when a lonely old farmer thought he would defend himself in the middle of the night when three guys bust into his house? He fired twice and they ran away and didn’t care to stop to help the kid left bleeding in the field so he died — you got it, the farmer gets jailed for murder!
The outnumbered farmer with his twelve gauge is supposed to exercise more judgement and discretion
than twenty cops in bulletproof helmets and vests shooting behind their cars and bright lights at a totally innocent man who done nothing wrong!
Yeah, ain’t the power of Government a wonderful thing?
American people only have to do nothing and the Government will take away your most fundamental rights and liberty no worries. Just like here in the UK where we got old statutes defending our right to bear arms –haven’t you heard? No? There’s a reason for that. Defend the SA or lose it. Simple choice.