Important Message From Dr Rogers Founder of DSGL
<<Anti-self defense lobbyists have enlisted family-practice
physicians and pediatricians into collecting firearms ownership
data. Doctors have been receiving literature urging them to ask
their patients a lot of detailed questions about firearms
We received a first-hand report from an ardent JPFO supporter
who recently underwent this very type of probing by his doctor.
During a physical examination in April 2000, as part of
obtaining a “medical history,” the doctor asked the patient:
* Do you have any guns?
* If so, how many guns do you have?
* Where are they located?
* Where do you store the guns?
* How much ammunition do you keep? >>
Nancy, no physician can collect data for research or forwarding to ANY DATABASE without getting informed consent from the patient. That means: the patient must be informed what data is being recorded and who will see it and what will be done with it, and then they must sign a form releasing the physician to proceed.
Any physician doing that sort of thing WITHOUT informed consent from the patient is breaking all kinds of rules and laws. They may easily be sued for “breech of confidentiality.”
PLease feel free to reprint this and/or forward it to ANY message boards anywhere. (and kindly include our DSGL url below)
Regards always,
W.Rogers, MD
Tyler, TX
Doctors For Sensible Gun Laws