In Regard To Boycotts

March 1st, 2012

I have to agree on the boycotts. I am angered and incensed when I see one of those damn signs that says “no firearms or weapons allowed on premises” as if the brain dead ignoramus really think that a criminal will stop and say “oh gee, I cant carry my gun or knife, boo hoo hoo.” How can anyone be that stupid? Three thousand people are in their graves after 911 because of the idiot crap about “we dont want anybody carrying guns, that way we wont have crime”. Those people would maybe be alive today except for that murderous rule.

Sylvester Stalone feels that our constitution should be suspended and house to house raids done to remove our guns. This from an overpaid walking steroid who plays roles more violent than the Terminator.

I dont want to see his movies. He may get rich off others, but not me. I am not interested in patronizing Chuck E Cheeses for the same reason, and my employer has the same rule which may put me in the unemployment line.

Ya gotta love security guards who are not allowed guns! I guess they protect with stink bombs.

I dont want to put my money into anybody’s hands who will take it and pay to try and take my gun away. Too many people are dead in the ground because of these disarmament swine, and the UK is a golden example of “sensible gun control” kicking someones ass.

I signed a petition months back when Wally World suggested they stop selling cartridge ammo because it “might fall into the hands of criminals and hurt somebody.” I guess a few thousand names saying we would take our checks elsewhere got some results.

There are several things in the world I utterly despise, and gun control is one of them. Funny how being a victim can do that to a person.

I think boycotts are a good idea. By the way, great work getting all of these examples. I see very few web sites that have them.