Incest and gun ownership

March 1st, 2012

Thanks for your info, but as for me – don’t even think sbout adding me into your little statistic.
I can’t speak for eveyone, but I sure know what I think of their statistical study- I’ve led a perfect happy life, in a happy little home- I just happen to like to write sad things.
You know , a few times when I was dying Helen over the past 2 years, (because the Doctors had given me the wrong types of medications and were to blind to realize it) they kept telling me that about my health- oh you must be depressed, you must have had a bad past, that’s whats wrong- No I HAVE NOT , and NO IT WAS NOT- IT was their da**
medications that I didn’t want to take in the first place that was causing the problem
So before you go throwing out statistics, before you go assuming anyhting, DON’T, IT ISN’T always
healthy or wise to assume.
I hope the MMM don’t really believe that, because if they do we have a much bigger problem on our hands.