“Webster’s University Dictionary – Infringed: 1. To violate or go beyond the limits of (e.g., a law). 2. To break (a law or agreement); fail to observe the terms of; violate. 3. To defeat: invalidate. – To encroach upon something. Infringement: 1. A violation, as of a law or agreement. 2. An encroachment, as of a privilege or right”.
Gun owners, reality awaits! Unrelentingly, law-abiding armed citizens are harassed beyond reason and commonsense with infringing, illogical and asinine gun control laws. In their incremental efforts to abolish all guns, our government and politicians are doing precisely what the Constitution forbids them to do. If the 20,000 (plus) federal and state gun laws (fact) do not flawlessly illustrate Webster’s definitions of infringed, then no other repressive or invading action will. Within the world of authenticity, our gun laws remain as insidious acts of infringement and severe violations of “Constitutional Law”. They are a direct and treasonous assault upon the inalienable rights of the American people and our “Sovereign Constitutional Republic”.
The Second Amendment has been assailed on numerous occasions. Corrupted by United Nations idealism (world government), our sovereign government refuses obedience to Constitutional Law. Contemptuously, legislators defile Constitutional principles with blatant violations of the most fundamental commandment, “the right of the people (people = persons = individuals, never defined as a state) to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”.
Our Founding Fathers did not decree, “(after receiving a concealed weapons permit) the right (limited by 20,000 state and federal gun laws) of the people to keep (inside their perilously unhandy gun safes) and bear arms (of specific description and registered with the Department of Justice and equipped with trigger safety locks, rendering the weapon useless for self-protection), shall not be infringed (unless feel-good solutions, opinion polls and Congress deem additional oppressive and unrealistic restrictions appropriate to their self-serving political cause)”.
Each day, they rape the Constitution and molest our inalienable rights. Our disingenuous legislators and Supreme Court Justices have bastardized the Constitution with erroneous and ambiguous interpretations. Everyday, we loose a right to do something that we were able to do the day before. Virtue by virtue, liberty by liberty, our Constitutional Republic is being systematically eroded away.
Unarmed, we are vulnerable to tyranny. It is not beyond the realm of possibilities. Irrespective of the ongoing governmental deceptions, Waco and Ruby Ridge should serve as adequate examples supporting the necessity for a well armed citizenry. Street criminals and the insane are not the only threatening elements within our nation requiring constant vigilance and preparedness. Dismissing firm and decisive actions assures us of tyranny. Demand from your legislators that their unconstitutional assaults against the American people cease.
Our Founding Fathers did not endure the abuses of a tyrannical government and learn nothing. Their goal was not to create a document of ambiguous privileges. Ingeniously, they instead provided us with the “Bill of Rights” which are intended to limit government. Not the people! They are an affirmation of the “First Law of Nature” (self-defense).
The establishment of our Constitution demanded a display of unwavering independence by an armed citizenry. Its continued integrity will necessitate the same. Look around you. Be observant! Our freedoms remain in peril to this day. Coexisting in harmony with liberty, my Second Amendment rights are NOT negotiable!