Is this a shame on you Helen or is this just another one of your lies!

March 1st, 2012

I willing to bet on option 2…..
omly folks who post here know this:”on”
So how are we to believe ANYTHING else you say! Your credibility just went DOWN THE TOILET!
FLUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSHHHHH! Oh no that was a triple flusher! so much ****! so little toilet water!

>>Whoever wrote the piece, but not brave enough to use its own identity,
>>succeeded in my getting all the emails from concerned citizens such as
>>yourself. It is sad to see these unethical tactics. I feel that the
>>minimum we could have done is address the issue and have a mature
>>on our difference in opinion.
>>I just want to let you know that I am not the “Helen” who posted the